Good day and welcome to Crasstalk. Let’ get to it, shall we? Continue reading
Expedia, everyone’s favorite booking hospice for the travel disabled, has decided that you people are annoying travelers. Well, not all of you people, just some of you who were obviously raised in a barn, or were treated like super special cronuts of light and joy. Yes, you led Expedia to commission research to find out which of you is the worst kind of flier out there. Find out if you’re on the list. Continue reading
Who doesn’t want to save money on their next vacation? Nobody. Here are nine easy ways. With the money you save, you can buy that extra cocktail at the bar, stay an extra night in the nicer hotel, or buy the souvenir sweatshirt you promised your friend you would buy. Continue reading
I have been on a quest to travel the length of North and South America by land. I just returned from my fifth trip– a bus ride from Guatemala City to Panama’s Darien Gap. For those of you counting at home, I am 88% done with my goal. Here are some highlights to give you a flavor of my experiences. I will be writing more posts on Crasstalk about my recent Central America trip.
Robert Sayegh, an author of children’s literature and former Sesame Street writer, was booted from a Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight when he said ‘fuck‘ after hearing his flight was going to be further delayed. Sayegh is from Brooklyn where F-bombs are a part of the vernacular.
Sayegh apparently muttered the curse word to himself but a nearby flight attendant took offense and had him removed from the plane while on a layover in Detroit. Passengers around him were supposedly not offended, but the sky bitch/bastard flight attendant was. Continue reading