You got this! Continue reading
Would you be a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker? Continue reading
Bad bosses, we’ve all had them. I heard a great one this week about a boss who cut his toenails while giving an annual review.
Hit the jump and tell us about your worst boss or management experience. Continue reading
I had a conversation with a few people last week about “bizarre people at work” situations. These are the best stories on earth because they are cathartic for everyone involved. We get to tell our whacko stories about lazy, strange, rude, incompetent, evil or just plain confusing. We get to read other people’s stories and discover that we are not alone – others are surrounded by the crazy. Continue reading
About six months ago I started working from home. It wasn’t my choice. The business was not doing well, the owners that used to work under the same roof decided to split, and I was left with an option to work from home or quit. Continue reading
We’ve been informed that we’re moving to a new office space — and this fact alone is making many, many people hyperventilate. Why? Oh, just the potential for the privacy crushing, morale diminishing, and the all-around “Big Brother”-ization of our workspace in the rumored, and dreaded, open workspace plan. Continue reading
Recently Penny Arcade, Inc. posted a help wanted ad for a system administrator. I’ve been working in IT for eight years, and I’ve seen some job postings with outlandish experience and certification requirements with unreasonable job responsibilities for a staggeringly low amount of pay, but this posting takes the cake. Continue reading
Hydraulic fracturing and the natural gas that it helps to procure gets a bad rap in lots of circles in the United States and abroad. The process of sending sand to create fissures in shale rock involves lots of chemicals, huge amounts of labor, and extremely expensive equipment. It’s a tough and imperfect industry, but it is one of the last places where the American Dream can be a reality. Continue reading
I am single. In fact, I’ve been single my entire professional career. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that being discriminated against for being single in the professional world has a name, and some academic backing: singlism.
Some will say it’s a myth, that it’s just another symptom of a generation of workers that feels entitled to everything. I know better, because I’ve experienced it first-hand. Continue reading
About three years ago, I was at a smallish cocktail party that was being hosted by a friend of a friend. During the course of the small talk over bad hors devours and even worse, a warm Sprite, the conversation turned to professions. Next thing you know I am being drug across the back yard to ‘advise’ the host on what to do with his outdoor living space. I said, sure. Why not? Just give me a few minutes to get my bearings and come back and we’ll talk. He went back to the group inside and that’s when I stripped completely nude. Continue reading