Daily Archives: September 27, 2012

8 posts

Project Runway Season 10 Episode 11 Liveblog

Project Runway Episode 11Good evening, kiddies! And by kiddies, I mean that literally. Kids. Guess what tonight’s challenge is about? Ever more shameless self promotion Designing for Heidi’s new line of kids’ clothing. According to the previews even designing for babies, somehow the designers seem to not be able to entirely cover their asses just like their models. At least babies wear diapers. (Or do they?) So let’s see who’s #1 this week in the Lifetime polls … aaand it is no contest: Elena is still at 42, up one point from last time. She probably took away our venemous buddha’s point because she’s such a jerk. Continue reading

Todd Akin Would Like McCaskill to be More “Ladylike;” We Would Like Todd Akin to Stop Talking Forever

Oh, good Christ with a hammer. Todd Akin is speaking again. And of course his topic of choice is women. A topic he’s shown to be mentally handicapped at discussing. This time instead of making noxious commentary about what he thinks happens in the lady wombs of rape victims, he’s now observing behavior in his opponent in the Senate race, Claire McCaskill, that he’d like to share. And this time it’s a winner! No, not at all. Continue reading

Even Joe Scarborough is Embarrassed by Romney’s Neediness

Mitt Romney is without a doubt the most painfully awkward man in the world.

Joe Scarborough, known Republican and morning political chat show host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, had a tough time yesterday sitting through the excruciatingly, awkwardly horrid Mitt Romney attempting not to be shown up by running mate, Paul Ryan, while at a recent campaign stop.

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Super Squats Challenge

Commitment. In so many things in life, the idea of commitment is enough for a person to shriek, recoil, and walk away. When we first set off on this journey on July 25th, we had a five month commitment to get ourselves fabulous legs and backsides just in time for the winter holidays. Now here we are, entering the third month of our challenge. If you have, let’s say, taken the scenic route towards our goal, now’s the time to come on back. Continue reading