Super Squats Challenge

Commitment. In so many things in life, the idea of commitment is enough for a person to shriek, recoil, and walk away. When we first set off on this journey on July 25th, we had a five month commitment to get ourselves fabulous legs and backsides just in time for the winter holidays. Now here we are, entering the third month of our challenge. If you have, let’s say, taken the scenic route towards our goal, now’s the time to come on back.

Real talk: it’s been a challenge to write once a week about exercising, much less actually do said exercise once a week. This doesn’t really make sense given that I have been working out an average of 5-7 times a week since we started. So why am I not just doing these lunges 2-3 times a week? Is it because I AM NOT THE BOSS OF ME. Well, I actually am the boss of me, I am just not the boss of you. Regardless, I’ll be the first to say, I’M BACK!

Here’s a refresher on the path to bootyliciousness:

First 30 days: Increase number of lunges from baseline by 25%
Second 30 days: Do a full minute of lunges
YOU ARE HERE—–>Third 30 days: Do full minute of lunges 2-3 times a week.<—–
Fourth 30 days: Do full minute and 30 seconds of lunges 2-3 times a week.
Fifth 30 days: Do two full minutes of lunges 2-3 times a week.

Let’s look at it this way: there are 10,080 minutes in a week. Let’s subtract 3,360 for sleeping. Now we’re left with 6,720 waking minutes in our week. Six thousand, seven hundred and twenty minutes, many of which are spent sitting on our butts. Can we devote three (3) minutes of your week reversing the effects of our sedentary lifestyle? THREE MINUTES OUT OF 6720 MINUTES. Madonna and JT needed just four minutes to save the world. Surely, we can spend three minutes getting our booties in shape!

So I did my minute of lunges Monday and last night. I’m at 45 in a minute. My quads are burning like solar flares but it feels good to have done that little bit. Your turn. Here’s some inspiration for you.

Warnings! (as required by the Crasstalk Legal Department):
1. This is a very explosive movement. You MUST keep your front knee behind your front ankle. To do otherwise stresses your knee and will cause an injury.
2. This is not a race against the clock. Go slowly. Keeping proper form is key; not how many you can do in the allotted time.
3. Consult a physician, physical therapist or trainer before starting this exercise, especially if you have any kind of back or knee injury.

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