Daily Archives: September 4, 2012

8 posts

When Toilet Paper and Social Media Collide

Charmin toilet paper has recently ramped up their advertising in an attempt to either sell more toilet paper or completely freak out the public. Charmin has a history of unusual advertising. Their most famous ad campaign featured people who stalked grocery stores to furtively squeeze toilet paper.

Advertising toilet paper is a tricky business. You want people to be aware of your product without thinking too much about it. They should associate your product with cleanliness. You don’t want them concentrating too much on why they need toilet paper. This will only lead to unpleasant images associating with the product. Continue reading

Ranking Jack Donaghy’s Girlfriends on 30 Rock

The final season of 30 Rock will premiere on Thursday October 4th. In celebration of the show’s legacy, we’re looking back at some of our favorite characters and episodes. We’ve already ranked our favorite guest stars. Today, we’ll be ranking Jack Donaghy’s love interests. Continue reading

Bill O’Reilly Really Is the Worst Person in the World

Good grief. Where is that sweet, sweet, rage maniac bastard, Keith Olbermann, when we need him? Yes, this is what that perpetual asshat Bill O’Reilly has done to us — made us long for the days when shout factory Keith Olbermann cut into O’Reilly and outed his lunacy as not just the random ramblings of a stupid, talking-head pundit, but as the horrible antics that accompany the thoughts and actions of a horrible man; a pattern of behavior perfected by a misogynistic, egotistical, blowhard prick. Sure, sure, Olbermann has his issues, but there was no better historian in all the land that chronicled O’Reilly’s daily dips into the muck-filled depths that continue to buoy his entire broadcast existence. Continue reading

The Daily Sausage – Tuesday Edition

The devil is always busy, Rosie Ruiz Republicans, the question that exposes incompetent reporters, The Sprawl, the Democratic Party Platform, missing George W. Bush, auditing America, Obama-steinowitz, a Union in decline, Management Day, Convention bust, a brief discussion on NGDP, Millennial careers and Millennials in the workplace. Continue reading

Furniture Shopping on a Budget

Damn that's one hell of a sale

So you’ve moved into a new place. You may have shelled out more than you expected for movers, renovation projects, broker’s fees and other expenses. After perusing a design blog or two – where a $250 desk is considered “budget” – you may believe that it’s impossible to both eat and have a furnished living room without first selling your first-born child. But fear not. Though it will take time, patience and luck, it is possible to furnish a place cheaply. Continue reading