Did you really think we were only going to complain about the GOP? The Dems are starting off strong tonight with Michelle Obama and party favorites Cory Booker and Tim Kaine. They are also featuring plenty of organized labor speakers on the first night and the first female three-star general in the US Army, Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy.
Tonight’s theme is “Americans Coming Together.” Too bad most Americans have no interest in coming together and would rather just keep each other at arm’s length. After the shit show that was the RNC it will be hard for Democrats to blow this. However, as Democrats, it is kind of what they do, so stay tuned.
Also, I just received a tip that Current TV will be running a live twitter feed. You can tweet your snark to @current or use the hashtag #current2012. Don’t forget to add @crasstalk to your tweets for maximum attention-whoring impact. Enesbit has an in on this whole deal and she will post the optimum tweeting time in the comments, so keep an eye out.
For more of about Julián Castro, tonight’s keynote speaker see Bored Coworkers excellent profile.