Good grief. Where is that sweet, sweet, rage maniac bastard, Keith Olbermann, when we need him? Yes, this is what that perpetual asshat Bill O’Reilly has done to us — made us long for the days when shout factory Keith Olbermann cut into O’Reilly and outed his lunacy as not just the random ramblings of a stupid, talking-head pundit, but as the horrible antics that accompany the thoughts and actions of a horrible man; a pattern of behavior perfected by a misogynistic, egotistical, blowhard prick. Sure, sure, Olbermann has his issues, but there was no better historian in all the land that chronicled O’Reilly’s daily dips into the muck-filled depths that continue to buoy his entire broadcast existence.
One such moment happened a few days ago when O’Reilly, who was formerly accused of sexual harassment, made a joke at Sandra Fluke’s expense regarding her upcoming appearance at the DNC.
“I’m just wondering when Sandra Fluke speaks at the Democratic convention what they’re going to drop from the ceiling, he quipped.”
Fluke, you’ll recall, made national headlines when she was criticized by Rush Limbaugh (and called a slut) after being denied to speak at a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing on religious liberty and the birth control rule.
Seemingly unfazed, and equally undeterred, here is Fluke’s response on last night’s The Ed Show.