Oscar-winning director of corpulent, affected movie yarn, Crash, and former member of Scientology, Paul Haggis, supports Vanity Fair‘s bombshell story about the Scientology audition process that was set to find Tom Cruise a wife. Continue reading
tom cruise
Oh boy. The problem with big time celebrity members in your ranks is big time celebrity bad PR. By now we have all learned that totally lovable and not at all insane national treasure Tom Cruise is divorcing from Katie Holmes, his bride of 5 years. Continue reading
Perhaps, when a five year old Justin Bieber was chillin’ in Canada’s version of Section Eight housing, oh, right around Christmas 2001, his mom scored tickets to see Tom Cruise Narcissism Vehicle Supreme, also known as Vanilla Sky.
Since the movie is awfully hard to understand, and its director, Cameron Crowe, never really gave the audience a definite answer as to what the film is (lucid dream? anesthetic hallucination?), perhaps young Justin gets obsessed with the movie. What then? How does the Biebs resolve this obsession?
Apparently the correct answer is, become famous and then wear a sparkly gold mask in public. But don’t, as the video below explains, cover up any distinctive tattoos, because then, how will people know you’re famous if they can’t identify you? Continue reading