Greetings, Crasslings. Spooky season is upon us. Monsters rage. Ghostly apparitions appear. And that’s just the presidential election. With Halloween a week away, it’s the perfect time to watch horror movies, eat too much candy, and tell scary stories. That’s right: it’s time to share all your spooky, creepy, scary tales. We want to hear about your haunted houses, ghostly visitations, and bewitched dreams. Tell us about paranormal horrors and other close encounters. Give us goosebumps. Freak us out. Welcome to the Crasstalk Spooky Story Spectacular! Continue reading
Come on in. Bring your booze and party dip and witty awards banter. Continue reading
I can’t remember if the Recipe Sunday gals ever did this one before, but hopefully not. They are known to many cultures and go by many names. Italian or Mexican? They’re probably called wedding cookies. Russian? Tea cakes. Despite my Italian heritage, we call them butterballs in my family, and we never made them for a wedding. Nope. Butterballs are for Christmastime, sucka. Continue reading
The snow is snowing. The wind is blowing. What do you care how much it may storm? You can dance to this mix to keep warm! Continue reading
We’re almost there. It’s almost over, and now we have a good idea of how the series finale will begin based on the timeline we can piece together from the flash-forwards in episodes 1 and 9. So, take this bowl of Ben & Jerry’s, and meet me after the jump. Continue reading
Are you ready to say goodbye yet? Only one more episode left after tonight’s. The good news? Tonight’s episode and next week’s series finale are super sized! A whopping 75 minutes. Yes, it will mean more commercials, but we’ll also get more show! Continue reading
Is your tea strong enough? Continue reading
To’ha what now? For the uninformed (read: me), Wikipedia says: Continue reading
Boom! After two episodes that touched on plot points and character moments we knew needed to come but not when, Breaking Bad exploded last night with actions we didn’t foresee and a character revelation that none of us could be certain would ever actually occur. Hit the jump for a roundup of recaps, and how ’bout that guacamole? We make it right here at the table. Continue reading
Two episodes down, six more to go including tonight’s, “Confessions.” So who’s confessing what? On AMC’s Talking Bad last week, a version of the screencap above was shown, but it more clearly depicted two empty seats (with set places) at the table. Are Skyler and Walt going to be confessing everything to Marie and Hank? Continue reading