Daily Archives: June 28, 2012

8 posts

German Court: Your Parents Are Monsters For Circumcising You

I may not be all up to date on the latest male grooming habits but I feel pretty confident in saying that circumcising baby boys is really not a big deal.

Germany, however, has a different view of things. That country, which is best known for producing its own homegrown not-at-all-disgusting flavor of pornography, has declared war on Poland circumcision. A German court this week managed to make Europeans look like the same radical assholes that Rush Limbaugh always makes them out to beContinue reading

US Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling OT

Today, the nation awaits the fate of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known to some people as “Obamacare.” Will we join other civilized societies and provide healthcare for the people of the United States or will we continue the broken system of for-an-insane-amount-of-profit privatized health care for the fortunate. Continue reading