German Court: Your Parents Are Monsters For Circumcising You

I may not be all up to date on the latest male grooming habits but I feel pretty confident in saying that circumcising baby boys is really not a big deal.

Germany, however, has a different view of things. That country, which is best known for producing its own homegrown not-at-all-disgusting flavor of pornography, has declared war on Poland circumcision. A German court this week managed to make Europeans look like the same radical assholes that Rush Limbaugh always makes them out to be

A court in Germany has ruled that circumcising young boys for religious reasons amounts to bodily harm.

In a decision that has caused outrage among Jewish and Muslim groups, the court said that a child’s right to physical integrity trumps religious and parental rights.

Although male circumcision – unlike female circumcision – is not illegal in Germany, the court’s judgement said the “fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents”.

Circumcision, it decided, contravenes “interests of the child to decide later in life on his religious beliefs”.

Ferchrissakes. Can we just tell these people to shut the fuck up? First of all, foreskin is completely coddamn pointless. It’s not like it keeps dust out of or anything. I guarantee there’s not a single skin-hoodie wearer who would rather lose his eyebrows or pinkie toenail than his foreskin.

But really, my biggest problem with this court decision is that it makes liberals look like a bunch of paternalistic, intolerant assholes who think they know better than a child’s own parents what’s best. Oh I’m sorry it’s your “ancient tradition,” you Jewy Old Testament throwbacks. Get with the times! We should definitely let dumb-ass kids choose every aspect of their own lives from now on! Barf.

These same morans are also extremely worried about the “trauma” of being circumcised as a baby. This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. Get a grip, you leather pants-and-Bono glasses-wearing Euro-weenies. If you’re a man who still claims to be traumatized by your circumcision, I hope an evil clown punches you in the cock one day and runs away giggling. You wouldn’t ever miss your foreskin… unless you got it snipped off last week. WHICH IS WHY SMART PARENTS JUST GET IT DONE THERE AT THE HOSPITAL. Saying you miss your foreskin is like saying you miss your umbilical cord.

Not only all that, but… have you ever seen an uncircumcised one?

(In the video, the late great Robert Schimmel discusses the decision to have his son snipped.)

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