It was only a matter of time before Crasstalk spread across platforms in its quest for internet victory. It is time for the first Crasstalk Video Contest. Let’s take self-aggrandizement to an even more epic level. Crack out your cameras and put aside your shame. Let’s do this!
Here’s the deal. Make a short video displaying your amazing talents and/or public fail. All videos will be loaded to the Crasstalk YouTube channel where they can be viewed by the judges and Crass readers. The judges (Bots, Dogs, myself, and the lovely HomoViper) will each cast a vote for their three favorites. A vote will also be added for the top three videos picked by Crass readers via thumbs up on YouTube. A winner will be picked, accolades will be handed out, people will complain, haters will hate, someone will make an irrelevant comment, and the whole cycle of Crass will be fulfilled. Anyway, enter, it will be fun.
Here are the rules:
- Each video must be no longer than five minutes. I don’t have that much free time, you jack holes.
- Videos can be on any topic you want. Yes, any topic you want.
- All videos must be sent via email to [email protected] or email me for upload instructions.
- The deadline for entries is Saturday, June 30th at midnight EST.
That’s it gang, get to it.
Image via Wikipedia.