Daily Archives: February 23, 2012

9 posts

President Obama Chooses Government Officials, Hollywood Stars, to Head Reelection Campaign

Yesterday, President Obama released the list of reelection co-chairs who will work to help him stay in the White House for another term. Rick Santorum calls them “Kenyan Muslin Enablers” or “Democrats.” Mitt Romney calls them “People poorer than me,” and Gingrich refers to them as “Hippie baby killers in relaxed fit jeans.” Yes, of course, Newt. It’s hard to rule over someone using Druidic sanctimony if their jeans are comfortable. Everyone knows that. “No, really, former Speaker, go on I’m listening. These jeans, though, they feel like Chenille. CHENILLE! Really, feel them!” Continue reading

In Defense of Affirmative Action

On Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court announced that it would hear a case on affirmative action in university admissions. This case, like the landmark 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger decision, involves a white student who applied to a public university and was denied– and, according to the plaintiff, Abigail Fisher, minority students with lower scores than hers were admitted. In Grutter, the Supreme Court ruled that the use of quota systems for racial minorities in public university admissions was unconstitutional, but it also held that admissions committees may use race as one of a myriad factors that go into the admissions process– not unlike the way admissions committees favor students who are legacies or those who hail from Barrow, Alaska (so that they can claim in brochures that they attract students from all fifty states–and Guam!)In other words, race might be a factor that gives your application a little nudge toward the top of the pile, but it can’t be the sole determining factor in an admission decision. Continue reading

Crate Digging #5 – That Was Then, This is Twee

The Vaselines

Twee. I know, I know. Today, “twee” is often a pejorative term, a dismissal of people and objects that embody a particular mixture of hip nerdiness and self-conscious cuteness. “Adorkability,” if you will. Twee is Zooey Deschanel playing ukelele with Joseph Gordon-Levitt while kittens chase bubbles across her bedroom. It is a polka dot dress with a sweetheart neckline, a hand-knit cardigan, a teacup purchased on Etsy. Twee (or “indie pop”), however, is also a genre of music that deserves our attention. Indie pop began as an exercise in quiet rebellion and became a bonafide musical movement which ultimately, affected much of the music to come after it.  Continue reading