Daily Archives: January 18, 2012

11 posts

Coming Attractions: Friends With Kids or That Circle of Life Garbage

Well, here we go. This is something. Now, if you’re going to do an ensemble movie and you’re not striving to be Woody Allen, because yawr, King Ensemble, or taking the low road and attempting to be Gary Marshall, he of the abominable movie turd monsters, Valentine’s Day, and its sizable tumor of a sister, New Year’s Eve, than perhaps you want to keep it small and manageable with a movie about six friends, their kids, and some other perfunctory love crap thrown in. Could a monkey make this movie? Maybe. Will it be good? Depends. Continue reading

Droid Does: Improving Battery Life on your Android Device

I often hear people say “My Android battery life sucks!”, to which I usually reply “Yeah, unless you’ve tweaked it, it probably does.”

This article will explore some easy ways for any Android device user to improve their battery life, using…

MonkeyBiz’s Rules of Android Battery Conservation.

First off, let’s talk reasonable expectations. No amount of tweaking will make your phone battery last forever. In fact, barring something extraordinary, your phone will probably top out at 16-20 hours of normal use. With an extended battery, you might hit a full 24. Consequently, charge your phone every night. Continue reading

‘Why Are the Skyscrapers Flat on Top’? and Other Los Angeles Trivia Answered

If you have a casual interest in how cities develop, KCET’s “Laws that Shaped LA” series is a fantastic read. Articles are posted every Monday on KCET’s website and highlight a law that had a major impact in developing how the city of Los Angeles developed.

So far, this series by Jeremy Rosenberg has answered questions like:

“Why are all of the skyscrapers flat on top?” You might say this makes the LA skyline bland in comparison to Chicago or New York, but I prefer to think there’s no point in skyscrapers attempting to compete with the natural beauty of the San Gabriel Mountains which provide the backdrop and contrast to Los Angeles’s skyline. Continue reading

Welcome to SOPA Action Day

You might notice some changes around your internet today. Some major websites like Wikipedia and Reddit will go black today. Others, like Google, will have special content. Even the Honey Badger is getting involved. The reason for this is the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a bill making its way through congress that will drastically affect the way your internet works. Continue reading