
43 posts

The Subway Is My Ice Castle

wallofskatesI clamp on my purple headphones, crank up the iPod, and in my mind’s eye, and I envision a woman, a girl really, skating in perfect accompaniment to whatever song pops up. Classical. The Stones. Springsteen. Gaga. She can skate to anything. She can do beautiful layback spins, and spirals, and double and triple spins, all perfectly.

As I’ve told you before, I’m not known for my grace. By the time I was a freshman in high school, I had, between my two ankles, broken them 10 times. So when I told my mother I would like to join my high school’s figure skating team, she was appalled. Continue reading

Welcome to SOPA Action Day

You might notice some changes around your internet today. Some major websites like Wikipedia and Reddit will go black today. Others, like Google, will have special content. Even the Honey Badger is getting involved. The reason for this is the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a bill making its way through congress that will drastically affect the way your internet works. Continue reading

Holiday Cocktail Contest! Shaken or Stirred?

My love of wine is well known. Cocktails are special occasion drinks for me. The Season of Summer is a special occasion as is Christmas and New Year’s in my household.  I love a good cocktail during these times, but I am lazy and usually settle for something simple with gin or vodka — straight gin and vodka is sooo simple.

The holidays require something a bit spiffier. This is where you Crasstalkers can be helpful…. Continue reading