Daily Archives: September 2, 2011

15 posts

Friday Night DJ Party, No Cover Before 11 Ladies Drink Free

Tonight Bens and I are hitting you with some tunes. (Don’t forget, kids, tomorrow night’s DJ Party will be hosted by DJ Anita Manbadly. I hear there will be drink specials.) Anyway… put on your big floppy denim hat and braid your hair, because tonight we’re gettin’ in a Stevie kind of mood.  Continue reading

Jerk Alert: Your Boss!

Well, my goodness, what’s wrong with you? Why is your head down on your desk? Okay, okay, let’s uncurl your fingers from that stapler. No, no, we’re not sure you’re ready to hold your, “Best Employee in the World” mug right now…not until you tell us what happened. Oh, wait…what does that email say? Something about TPS reports need to be shipped to CHINA! by 5pm today? Well, um, okay…you better take a few deep breaths.

Start somewhere at the beginning. Continue reading

Ten Truly Horrible Facebook Pages

Facebook is ubiquitous. Even your grammy has had an account for two years and the site has become a standard staple in any marketing plan. Of course, it is this widespread use that makes Facebook so damn handy. You can find a FaceBook page for any interest or group, no matter how obscure.

However, this also means that there are some sick fucks and general jack asses who also populate the Facebook universe. Stupidity, bigotry, bad taste; Facebook has it all. I am going to spare you the chore of searching for it yourself, and give you a sampling of some of the worst Facebook has to offer. Continue reading