Maybe this is in poor taste, but then maybe not–the holiday isn’t actually until tomorrow. What do Americans do on this long holiday weekend, the unofficial beginning of summer? They barbecue and drink too much. And, I’m hoping, dance a little too. Continue reading
Tonight Bens and I are hitting you with some tunes. (Don’t forget, kids, tomorrow night’s DJ Party will be hosted by DJ Anita Manbadly. I hear there will be drink specials.) Anyway… put on your big floppy denim hat and braid your hair, because tonight we’re gettin’ in a Stevie kind of mood. Continue reading
I haven’t done a music post in a while so let’s get down tonight. Here’s a selection of tasty dance music. Get your glow sticks ready, strap on your Pikachu backpack and start melting the Vick’s Vapo-Rub because it’s gonna be a workout.
Here are 10 dance choons I’m digging right now. I wish I could say these are all the newest tracks of the moment, but most of them are six months to a year old (that’s fucking ancient in the dance music world).
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