Last week the Libyan rebels who stormed Qadaffi’s bizarro sex dungeon royal palace in Tripoli found that he had been keeping a photo album full of pictures of America’s preeminent neo-con torture princess, Condoleeza Rice.
It turns out the Crazy Colonel has historically made no effort to hide his Condifatuation! Here’s what happened the last time these two lovebirds got together for a summit meeting in 2008:
In an interview with al-Jazeera television last year, Gadafy spoke of Rice in unusual terms, calling her “Leezza”. “I support my darling black African woman,” he said. “I admire and am very proud of the way she leans back and gives orders to the Arab leaders … Leezza, Leezza, Leezza. … I love her very much. I admire her and I’m proud of her because she’s a black woman of African origin.”
Brown sugar!
So here’s our challenge to Crasstalkers: In the comments below, post your best scene/excerpt from a Condi and Qadaffi love scene from a harlequin romance novel. Or if you’re more of a graphic design artist type, post your best Condi and Qadaffi photoshop scene.
The winners will be announced in a glorious separate post later this week.