
21 posts

Hobby Lobby’s the ‘Green Collection’ – Wanted: Old Christian Manuscripts

Hobby Lobby is a huge, rich corporation “person” that wants to control more than the place you buy your craft supplies and birth control. They seem to have their fingers in lots of different evangelical pies. It is actually pretty confusing to try and follow everything they are into; but it is certain that they want to implement a hardline evangelical agenda on many fronts and these include a mammoth collection of ancient biblical manuscripts, a National Bible Museum, public school textbooks, and a whole lot more. Continue reading

Is a Duggar Girl About to Be Released into the Wild?

If you’ve watched 19 Kids and Counting over the past several years, you’ve probably noticed there are several daughters that are in the midst of the fundamentalist marrying years. Some are even getting a bit on the old side, frankly. I hear rumors that Jana is 24 and she’s going to have to concentrate hard on breeding to get a mere 12 children. She’ll never catch up to her mom’s 19 children. The daughters are busy raising the younger children so mom and dad can go on speaking tours around the country so they’re plenty busy, but what about the girls’ uteruses (uteri?) Continue reading

The Death of Fred Phelps

I remember the first time I heard of Fred Phelps and his “church.” It was around the time of Matthew Shepard. The Westboro Baptist Church protested his funeral and wrote lots of horrid stuff about him. I was shocked that anyone could display such violently cruel behavior. Years later, they’ve managed to repeat the behavior so often that it’s lost its shock value somewhat, but it’s still inexcusable. Continue reading

Why Does Satan on History Channel’s “The Bible” Look Like Obama?

Have you been watching The Bible on the History Channel? We’ve been treated to Noah gathering beasts, Pharaoh being a total prick for no reason whatsoever and Jesus wandering through the desert for 40 days after John (the baptists) baptizes him. It’s all your favorite stories from the bible in HD.

Also, Satan looks like Obama. Wait, what? Continue reading

QOTD: What Are You Giving Up For Lent?

Lent CTMardi Gras is a time to party and Lent is the solemn time leading up to Easter. Being a Catholic, it’s always been my practice to give up something for Lent. In my adult years it’s been buying shoes or clothes or not shopping at all, red meat or my time. The last few years I’ve said I would go to daily mass once a week and do Stations of the Cross throughout Lent.

As I have been searching for a new church to call home since I moved back to New Orleans, I think I’m going to spend some time parish-hopping during Lent and hope I find the church that’s right for me. It may not be “giving something up” per se, but I am using this time to do some reflection to figure out what parish is right for me.

What about you? What are you giving up for Lent? Continue reading

The Sikh Way of Life Can Teach Us a Thing or Two

Originally, I intended that this post be about the Sikh people, then about the beautiful principles taught in Sikhism and then about the founder Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru.  Reading about all  has proven both enlightening and interesting. I was reminded of many valuable lessons.

For example, the monotheistic religion, founded almost 500 years ago, is the fifth largest organized religion in the world with over 30 million Sikhs worldwide.  The Sikh religious philosophy has been traditionally known as Gurmat (literally ‘wisdom of the Guru’). Devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, the denouncing of superstition and most importantly, equality of man-kind, are it’s key principles. The Sikh religion teaches respect to all other religions and that one should not only defend one’s religion, but the religious faith of others as a human right as well.  At the end of every Sikh prayer, there is a request for the welfare of all humanity. Continue reading

Zombie Thomas Jefferson Points Out Hypocrisy in Social Issues Debate

Jim Daly, evangelist and president of Christian shout-group, Focus on the Family, has some thoughts about this whole marriage issue, as you can well imagine. But nothing surprised us more than hearing the words of Thomas Jefferson in relation to Jim’s thoughts on what should constitute marriage and family in this country. So we’ve rolled up our sleeves and said an incantation or two and dragged old Thomas out of the crypt so he can respond in kind. Continue reading