
39 posts

The Subway Is My Ice Castle

wallofskatesI clamp on my purple headphones, crank up the iPod, and in my mind’s eye, and I envision a woman, a girl really, skating in perfect accompaniment to whatever song pops up. Classical. The Stones. Springsteen. Gaga. She can skate to anything. She can do beautiful layback spins, and spirals, and double and triple spins, all perfectly.

As I’ve told you before, I’m not known for my grace. By the time I was a freshman in high school, I had, between my two ankles, broken them 10 times. So when I told my mother I would like to join my high school’s figure skating team, she was appalled. Continue reading

Why Women Should Support President Obama

If it were the late 1960’s and we were existing in a time when Kings of the Universe, like the Don Draper type, reigned would we acknowledge the only jobs that would be considered respectable and acceptable for a woman outside of helping the war effort in times of dire need, would be either secretary, teacher, or nurse, but never the subversive desire to write barn-burning articles for the local newspaper about inequality between the sexes and how few really seem to care about the concerns of the so-called fairer sex. Mostly. Continue reading

Akin, Ryan, and Walsh, the “No Exceptions” Anti-Abortion Crusaders

Just when you think the Republicans have learned their lesson when it comes to speaking about all the mystical goings on inside enchanted lady-wombs, here they go again, proving that they should just come forth and say that they really believe magic storks should bring babies down from Heaven or Nova Scotia, or Xanadu, whatever. Women, yeah, you need not apply. Continue reading