Poor Doree Lewak of the New York Post just wants to “be that objectified sex thing for [the catcalling men of NYC]” because “hard hats need something to look at on their break.” Maybe they should try looking at the newspaper. “It’s as primal as it gets, ladies!” Not as primal as, say, bashing you in the head with a club, dragging you into a secluded area and raping you, but the sentiment is the same. A man who yells out positive and/or negative comments at a passing female stranger is operating under the same idea; the belief that women’s bodies don’t belong to them, but to the public, and as a part of public property, men have the right to judge them as worthy or unworthy bodies. Continue reading
Rap has traditionally has struggled with the treatment of women in lyrics and videos. Hand Job Academy is about to turn your antiquated notions of female rappers upside down. They are unapologetically women and they put periods front and center. Prepare yourself for the video after the jump. Continue reading
A study by a group of Canadian researchers has debunked the idea that PMS as a mood condition exists. Continue reading
During Tuesday’s much talked about Townhall debate, undecided voter Katherine Fenton asked a question about equal pay for women in the workplace. This complex, convoluted question forced Mitt Romney to accidentally reveal his secret binders full of women to the electorate. Unfair!
According to the bizarro rules of the conservative media world, the next logical step is to discredit the questioner by destroying that person publicly. After some flimsy attempts to connect her to Feminazism, the crack investigative team at the Washington Free Beacon studied Ms Fenton’s twitter account and discovered some damning information. Continue reading
Streetsblog posted an article musing about why women don’t cycle. So I decided to ask you, the fine folks of Crasstalk, the following:
QOTD: Why do you cycle? Continue reading
Tired of looking at barren white walls? Want to liven up your place, but don’t know where to begin? Coffee and cigs and I believe that starting an art collection may be the solution you’ve been avoiding. Continue reading
Hello and welcome to Crasstalk. Hope your week is going well and you are ready to face the world. Let’s let the ladies get us started today.
Belly – Slow Dog by WBRNewMedia
Fastbacks ‘Gone to the Moon’ from Lulu Gargiulo on Vimeo.
Now you should be all ready to go. Have a great day.
Hello there Crasstalk. Hope you are having a good day and are making it through the week without getting into too much trouble (you know who you are troublemakers). We are running a little thin on articles for the next couple of days, so if you have been thinking of putting together a post this would be a great time. Email me if you need help at crasstalk at gmail dot com.
Here are a couple of truly awesome workplace videos to guide you through the work day.
Have a wonderful day.
Good morning. You made it to the end of the week so let’s rock it out with the ladies.
I think it is time to hear from The Queen.
Have a great day and don’t forget that you are divine and your mind expands throughout the universe.