christian bale

3 posts

Coming SOON: A Movie Trailer Roundup

Summer is nearly over, chickens. Well, maybe not, but I’m telling myself it is so that I don’t focus on the heat. Do you know what the end of summer means? It means that the time for robots and monsters is coming to an end (until the studios leave them for dead in the January Dumping Ground). Autumn and early winter prestige pics are just around the corner. Let’s watch the trailers for some likely awards-season hits (and one probable miss) after the jump! Continue reading

The Cutting Room: You Won’t Find A Movie With Better Awesomely Bad Gun Fights

The Cutting Room will take a look at the strange, fantastic, and sometimes suck-filled moments that end up on screen (but may have been better served on the cutting room floor). Today: Christian Bale Defies Death in Equilibrium.

You know what happens on Sunday afternoons? Action movies. Yep, and if you’re lucky you may end up re-watching one that’s hugely entertaining that leads to a satisfying 90 minutes spent marveling at Steven Seagal’s shirts with inexplicable shoulder pads or listening reverently to Arnold’s thespian delivery of “Geh Doo-Dee Choppppahhh!” However, if not, you’ll end up watching 2002’s Equilibrium starring Christian Bale, Sean Bean (Ned Stark!), and Taye Diggs while laughing your face off at the wholly improbable, sensationally craptastic, overwhelmingly overwrought gunplay, swordplay, and every other play you could imagine. Continue reading

War Zone Gossip Links

Hello? Winston Churchill?


Hello, dollink. Can’t talk long. Something about the Battle of The Bay. They’ve already looted London Drugs and Holt Renfrew. No, I don’t know why, Holt’s doesn’t even carry Axe body spray!

In any case, never let it be said I left you without your gossip links in a time of crisis. So read and enjoy and tie a yellow ribbon dress around the old oak tree.


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