Recycling a section of the media strategy that always stops the U.S. from having any of the good stuff, now journalists are trying to scare Americans into believing that the real source of our fiscal crises is the disabled. And once again the recent reports about federal disability benefits creating a culture of underachievement in poor communities and the poor cheating the social security system to receive the cash benefits eliminated by the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 (any of this sound familiar?), are coming from some of the most supposedly liberal media outlets. Continue reading
social security
2 posts
In a disgusting display, the Republican party is now trying to block a tax cut that NObama is championing.
Quick explanation: To pay for Social Security benefits, employers and employees have always paid into the system via a payroll tax. This payroll tax has been 6.2% paid by the employer and 6.2% of salary paid by the employee. This totals to 12.4% of everyone’s salary being paid into the social security system. Social Security payroll taxes are basically unavoidable, and they only apply up to the first $106,800 of a worker’s wages. Last year Obama cut this tax on the worker’s side of things, saving people up to $2,136 a year, or at the very most a solid 2% of their income. Continue reading