First, let’s talk about how securities ratings works. The three ratings agencies; Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch, take a look at various securities and based on the contents of those securities rate them assign a rating. Here’s the ratings scale (Moody’s/S&P & Fitch):
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There’s been a lot of talk in the news regarding the current Debt Ceiling negotiations going on, at least here in the United States. I understand that there are a number of people that don’t understand exactly what this is or what it means, so I thought I would explain it.
Like all entities, the United States Government needs money to work. It has to pay people and buy things. Unfortunately, the United States Government usually can’t afford to buy all the things it wants, so it usually must take on some amount of debt. Continue reading
Congressman Anthony Weiner, who is panting to be Mayor of New York someday, was doing okay with the underpants scandal for the first two days. Continue reading
Another week, another dollar. I’m left jowl.
And I’m right jowl.

And this is World Roundup with Mark Shields’ Jowls. I’d like to apologize right off the bat for being a bit late with this post. Mark switched up his denture cream, and the smell in here, sweet living Christ the smell… Anyway, his doctor says it’s for the best or whatever but the fact remains: Fixodent finds a way to make an 81-year-old man’s mouth smell worse than it does in its normal state. And that’s gotta count as some kind of accomplishment, probably. Right jowl, I need a breather… Continue reading