
33 posts

The GOP Gets Down and Dirty With Voter’s Rights

The GOP is a mastermind coalition of terrific genius. Seriously. They are like the one true faction in identifying a problem, but not looking to solve it fairly and amicably or perhaps with honor and nobility. No, not at all. Instead of taking their message to the streets by producing the best campaigns they can muster, and letting the voting chips fall where they may in November 2012, the GOP plans to put Rick Perry, or Mittens Romney, or that crazy corndog, Michele Bachmann in the white house by basically taking the ability to vote away from millions of people in the next presidential election. Continue reading

Jerk Alert: No, Your Toe Shoes Don’t Make You Important

Jerks. They exist. We see them everyday. They sit in the cubicle next to you. Perhaps they rub their butt on your hand while on the subway, or they ride on the stair directly behind you on an escalator and breathe garlic-onion dip on the back of your neck. COURTESY STAIR! COURTESY STAIR! You always provide one courtesy stair after the person in front of you. Sheesh. These guys, and many others like them litter our world with their collective jerkiness totally oblivious to their er, problem, while nonchalant in their affect, and mostly unrepentant.

Today we’ll start calling out jerks. Because, really, they need to know. Continue reading

Let’s Be Honest About Target

Hello. Hi. You need a new tea kettle, duvet cover, pet bed, frozen pizza, DVD of the Birdcage, and a storage container thing you can put in your closet. Okay, well, you’re going to Target. Or to those who somehow believe we were loaned the enigmatic department store from France…Tar-zhay. Who are these people? We don’t know, but we bet they have a Shake Weight and a camping stove in their garages! Tar-zhay, who are they kidding? The French don’t like us. They’d never give us the secret to overpriced knickknacks and barbeque equipment!

Anyway, let’s dissect the discount retailer using our impressive evaluation goggles. Continue reading

At What Age Does Breast-Shaming Start?

The US will soon release a doll from Spain called “Breast Milk Baby.” The $89 toy will allow children to imitate the act of breast-feeding by using a special halter top that comes with the doll. Parents and critics are divided on the product, some claiming that the doll over-sexualizes young girls by forcing them to grow up too quickly, but supporters claim that the toy is a learning product meant to teach nurturing and provide valuable education on what is believed to be a healthy choice when it comes to parenting.

What’s the debate? Continue reading

Is Searching for a Job the New First Day of High School?! Yikes!

The jobless rate in this country is abysmal. Currently stuck at 9 percent, many Americans who find themselves unemployed in an unstable economy are desperate for the types of work many wouldn’t consider in a flourishing financial landscape. For some, finding full-time work is a luxury, since many companies have downsized, laid off staff, or have fluctuated between hiring freezes, furloughs, and other personnel cutbacks.

It would seem finding a job has numerous roadblocks. What makes things harder?

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