Happy Pride Crasstalk! Of course you can’t have Pride Week without the obligatory pack of assholes that always emerge anywhere people are trying to have a good time and enjoy life. Let’s meet this week’s first jerk. Continue reading
OK, I am on the road this weekend so this is a quick and dirty (ask Weekday Dad what that means). Continue reading
Another week, another tough race to make the Asshole List. Here are this week’s biggest jerks. Continue reading
Yet another banner week. America, you never let me down. Let’s see who needs to be added to the shit list this week. Continue reading
Wow! It has been a banner week in reprehensible behavior. A special hat tip goes out to America’s crazy homophobes and the voters of North Carolina who decided that they should make the hate part of their state constitution. People are neat. Continue reading
Welcome to our new feature This Week in Assholes. This column will give you a recap of some of the more appalling behavior from around the globe. I think it is obvious that given the world we live in there will be plenty on nominees each week. Please feel free to email any candidates to [email protected]. Let’s see who was particularly douchey this week. Continue reading
The University of California, Berkeley College Republicans are holding an “Increase Diversity Bake Sale” today that will sell baked goods based on race, gender, and ethnicity. Continue reading
I would divide my body weight into three life sections:
Years 0 – 4: Typical skin and bones Indian girl
Years 4 – 18: Oh look, I found sugar. Sad owner of Lane Bryant catalogs.
Years 18 – present: Healthy alterations between very fit, fit, and “eh.”
For the past eight years, I have been an avid gym buff. My workouts are both thorough and well calculated, and I easily spend 10 hours a week, every week, burning the sugary calories I so happily consume. I am no stranger to cardio equipment, stretch mats, swimming pools, and yes, the weight room. Yet in my time at the five gyms to which I’ve belonged, I’ve found that as a woman, it takes a stoic attitude to command the respect from men that any patron (let alone a regular one) ought to automatically be given. In the gym, I have heard more than my fair share of sexist comments from men about women, despite the fact that mindless brutes of Any Gym, USA prove to be the most pathetic example of possible patrons.
Sleazy, grimy politics isn’t new. Much of the American consciousness has become desensitized when it comes to the political games, posturing, and all together insanity that follows presidential candidates, until you discuss John Edwards. John Edwards is a different kind of scumbag. He’s the kind of scumbag who’ll cheat on his cancer-ridden wife, father a child with his mistress, pay for her silence, cover it up, run for the presidency, fail miserably amid a shit-scorching scandal, attempt resurrection by traveling to Haiti on a pandering mission, look sullen at his wife’s funeral, and then when the shit really hits the now very real federal indictment fan, beg his mistress to cover for him. Yeah, this is the guy who was once a democratic darling who we’d now like to erase from our collective memories forever. Continue reading
With all the stories of rude coworkers, bosses and even friends on Crasstalk, it sounds as though we are surrounded by impolite children.
Across my Facebook page this morning comes an article originally written by parents.com about manners that should be mastered by a nine year old. Aside from the obvious please and thank you, it talks about being respectful, helpful and kind.