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John Edwards Is an A-hole and Other Things We Assumed

Sleazy, grimy politics isn’t new. Much of the American consciousness has become desensitized when it comes to the political games, posturing, and all together insanity that follows presidential candidates, until you discuss John Edwards. John Edwards is a different kind of scumbag. He’s the kind of scumbag who’ll cheat on his cancer-ridden wife, father a child with his mistress, pay for her silence, cover it up, run for the presidency, fail miserably amid a shit-scorching scandal, attempt resurrection by traveling to Haiti on a pandering mission, look sullen at his wife’s funeral, and then when the shit really hits the now very real federal indictment fan, beg his mistress to cover for him. Yeah, this is the guy who was once a democratic darling who we’d now like to erase from our collective memories forever. Continue reading