
28 posts
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Project Runway, Episode 6 Liveblog

Welcome back my friends, to another episode of Bunim/Murray Presents; The Real World, Running With Scissors!  So glad you could stop by!  Grab a drink, take a seat and hold on, because there’s really no need for seatbelts, and if you fall off your couch while watching tonight, you’re probably playing one of our classic Project Runway drinking games.  In which case, excellent job, my friend.  We all should aspire to be as committed to our craft.

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Doctor Who; The Season So Far (Spoilers!)

Seriously. Spoilers!

So for those of you who haven’t heeded the months of advice from myself and several other wise Crasstalkers, or for those of you who forget what’s happened this season so far, here’s your Doctor Who recap of the first half of the sixth season of the new series, or the 32ndish season of the show overall, with your 11th Doctor if we’re counting Paul McGann’s unfortunate “American-friendly” TV Movie attempt in the 90s. Got it? Excellent.

Anyway, tonight marks the premiere of the second half of what we’ll call the 6th season, because that’s how it goes. For a quick recap, read on. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9, Episode; Another Team Challenge?

Yes my friends, you read that correctly.  Yet another team challenge for our alleged designers, which means more yelling, bitching, and tears.  Then we’ll get past the commercial for Lifetime’s next Very Important Movie of the week, and get to the show.

Speaking of the show, who have we got left?  Well, it is the… fifth episode now?  Sigh.  Yes, the fifth episode, and I already forget everything about the previous four except there was something about stilts, and theoretically/potentially being able to see Nina Garcia’s nether regions.  Now forget all that, and let’s discuss the sewtestants we still have hanging around, shall we? Continue reading

Project Runway Live Blog – Season 9, Episode 3

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends.  We’re so glad you can attend. Come inside! Come inside!

It’s Thursday, and you know what that means? It’s the fourth day of the week, per Wikipedia! Oh, right, and a little program called Project Runway is back with a Brand! New! Episode! Tonight! Yay!

In case you haven’t been watching – shame on you! However, if you’ve been under a rock or in a coma these past few weeks, I’ll take mercy and give you a quickie recap:

The alleged “designers” have been given two challenges – one to make a look out of the clothes they’ve been wearing to bed and a bedsheet, and one where they had to make a look made out of pet store supplies. Both have resulted in a few abominations, a couple of good looks, and a closeted [totally not gay] Mormon got sent packing. A pity. Continue reading

Torchwood: Miracle Day, “The New World” (Episode 1) Recap

Are you ready for a new run of Torchwood?  Haven’t watched Torchwood before?  Now’s a great time to start.  Read on, my friends.

If you’re not familiar, Torchwood is a BBC television series, which was started as a spinoff of Doctor Who.  In case you didn’t realize (which I didn’t for months and was mocked mercilessly for by my nerd friends), Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who.  That said, this show has nothing to do with Who, but I wanted to throw that out there due to my mild obsession.  The show ran for two seasons, followed by a 5-part “miniseries” called Children of Earth. If this show piques your interest in the least, I recommend Children of Earth as it’s rife with theoretical moral issues and just a darn good story.

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Apocalypse… Now? A(nother) Brief History of The End of the World

Hello fellow Crasstalkers, it’s that time again!

“What time is that?” you ask.  Well, I’ll tell you my friends.  Once again the Apocalypse is upon us.  In honor of this special day, let’s explore all the previous apocalypses (apocali?) of times gone by.

Back in the 1800s, amateur Bible student William Miller began to study the prophecies of Daniel and using the “year-day” method of prophetic interpretation.  Wait, “year-day” method?  *frantically searches Wikipedia* ahh, so the word day in apocalyptic prophecy is symbolic for an actual year of time.  Just so we’re all clear on how this works out for Mr. Miller here, let’s review: Continue reading

All the Tweets That Are Fit to Print

Once upon a time, in a land called Twitter, the residents of this incredibly chaotic, yet endlessly fascinating land, contributed their words of wisdom – all in 140 characters or less, for those of us plebes for our entertainment.

Some sort of wedding appears to have occurred, resulting in an overwhelming number of droplets of wisdom from the Twitterians.  The lovely Rachael Maddow attended the NRA convention, Jesse Tyler Ferguson contemplates gender perception in the media, Seth Meyers’ mocking spread far and wide, and several other random tales were shared in Twitterland, including the fact that Stephen Moffat is the coolest dad in the world.  At least to this dork.

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Twitterama – The Best Of Twitter – April 19

Well hello again Crasstalk friends!  I hope your weekend was pleasant, productive, or at least fun and that you’re easing into your week. It seems our faithful Crasstalk bretheren were among some of the most entertaining content of the Twitterverse over the weekend, so let’s recap, shall we?

Boobookitteh has a question:

Our own leniribbons brings up a good point:

I don’t know who this guy is, but this entertained me.

Patton Oswalt is actually pretty funny.  I had no idea until Twitter.

Once more, Death Star PR comes through.

Simon Pegg witnesses a mother killing her child’s dream.  A moment, please:

Men, please don’t try this at home:


This Julius Sharpe guy is a writer for Family Guy and my latest Twitter followee:


That’s all for now, ladies and gents.  If you know of an awesome member of the Twitterverse, please let me know.  In the meantime, keep Tweeting, bitches!

Twitterama, April 15, 2011

The magic of Twitter is that it gives us regular folks a chance to see into the randomized musings and utterly mundane details of celebrities and, well, everyone else, filter-free.  Unleashed from the restraints of their PR flack and armed with a cell phone, famous folks can tell us what they had for lunch, or when they pick up their dry-cleaning.  Just kidding.  Rich people have someone do that for them.  Otherwise, they might be forced to mingle with people who work for a living.

The thing with Twitter is that it’s moved beyond real people.  Fictional characters have Twitter accounts now (more on that in a second).  Hell, celebrities make up accounts for their dogs, which is dumb.   I’m looking at you, Ice-T.   For crying out loud, I have friends who set up an account for their 6 month old.  If you guys have that kind of free time, perhaps you should look into doing something useful, like teaching the kid Chinese, or, better, picking up my dry cleaning.

Or, if you want to spend that much time on Twitter, try checking out the accounts of people who might actually have something interesting to say, like Lord Voldemort, who gives us some advice on how to make it through the weekend:


Seth McFarlane gives a new perspective on the Charlie Sheen situation:

um…. maybe?

Continuing on the Charlie Sheen track, the always awesome George Takei has his own ideas;

In another area of the entertainment industry, Roger Ebert gives his opinion on the Atlas Shrugged movie:

NPR, as always, is quite servicey:


When I was in college I took a stand-up comedy class.  I honestly think it was a humanities course and not an elective, but I can’t be sure – it was many years ago.

In any case, our professor told us that even if your joke elicits a groan, it’s still a decent joke.  My professor was also about 120 years old, so take that however you wish.  Regardless, I think this may fall somewhere in the groan-worthy category.


And even more groan-worthy (with a side of giggle), Albert Brooks delivers:

Writer Seth Madej, friend of the author, gives tips on how to sound smart at parties (follow this guy, he’s entertaining):

This Twitter account is not for the religiously sensitive.  For the rest of us – hilarious (and true!).


Death Star PR is always full of good questions:

And finally, Seth McFarlane again, retweeting a nonexistent Twitter account that should actually exist:  

Right on, Seth.

Anyway, enjoy, and I’ll try to keep up on this the best I can.  In the meantime, if you want to recommend some entertaining people to follow on Twitter, please do!