Daily Archives: June 25, 2012
Oh, Good God, America. Gird your Pastachetti loins, the Olive Garden is in trouble. Continue reading
The sitcom celebrity guest star has a history nearly as old as the sitcom itself. On I Love Lucy, the redhead famously pied William Holden in the face at the Brown Derby and caused trouble for several other bold names during the Ricardos’ stay in Tinseltown. Today the celebrity guest star is synonymous with low ratings, viewed as a desperate attempt by a show to draw in viewers. Of course ratings play a large role in the decision to bring big name actors on as guest stars, but every show should pay careful attention to how successful 30 Rock has been at making the most of its guest stars. Continue reading
Oh the times, they are a’ chagin’. Continue reading
I had a disturbing realization yesterday. I needed an image, not for myself mind you, but a visual image for a work project. I was searching for an iconic representation of women mentoring women. I scoured my memory, and search engine for; films, plays, novels, or real life examples that represented women helping women. Continue reading
It’s so strange to find that I now dread Sundays when I’ve been so accustomed to looking forward to them. Why, you ask? Well, join me after the jump to find out. Continue reading
After spending the greater part of my weekend celebrating the 30th anniversary of Franco-fête, I was inspired to compile another list of Francophone artists worth your time and money. While the previous entry featured only Franco-Canadian artists, today’s list will be mainly international in flavour. Grab your French-English dictionaries and enjoy. Continue reading
It was only a matter of time before Crasstalk spread across platforms in its quest for internet victory. It is time for the first Crasstalk Video Contest. Let’s take self-aggrandizement to an even more epic level. Crack out your cameras and put aside your shame. Let’s do this!
Happy Monday, Slores! Let’s do this. Continue reading