Tara has no idea that she’s going to have to deal with vampire religiosity soon. I’m sure she’ll be really excited about that–though at least the Lilith Bible, as far as I can tell, does not frown upon leather lingerie and pole dancing. Continue reading
True Blood
Well lucky us! We get to see Hoyt continue to wear is Panic! At The Disco outfit for the second straight episode (and it looks like there will be a third appearance, thanks be to Lilith). Continue reading
What’s this? Has True Blood truly given us a sweet and poignant moment of young, confused female friendship–young women just trying to make their way in a crazy world while being overcome with hormones they just don’t understand and can barely control? Babes wearing a lot of eye shadow and in camaraderie in the face of an everlasting youth and an urge to drink human bodies dry of their their very life? Continue reading
It’s so strange to find that I now dread Sundays when I’ve been so accustomed to looking forward to them. Why, you ask? Well, join me after the jump to find out. Continue reading
With Game of Thrones and Mad Men over, I kind of just forgot about Sunday night television. I couldn’t figure out what was so pleasant about last night until I woke up this morning and remembered–True Blood. My arch-nemesis!
And without further adieu let us suffer through the five best (worst?) telenovela faces in last night’s episode, “Authority Always Wins.” Continue reading
True Blood is the worst, guys. My boyfriend said last season, “Man, they’re not even trying to hide the fact that this show is just weird creature porn.” Well put, boyfriend! Well put. Anyway, the only way I was going to continue watching this mess was if I had the opportunity to point out how terrible it is. I mean, how many times can I point (publicly) out how great Eric would look giving me a mustache ride?
And so without further adeiu, the five best (worst?) telenovela faces in last night’s episode, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” Continue reading
While some opening credit sequences function on both a musical and visual level (I’m looking at you Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks), the following 15 examples should never have seen the light of day, let alone entered our living rooms. Continue reading
Summer TV gets a bad rap. I should know; I’m one of those people who’s always hated it. But have you really taken a look at summer’s offerings recently? I mean really looked, beyond shows like Wipeout and Generic Reality Show: Fifth Season of Jackassery. Because ya know what? Somehow, while we were busy actually getting some sun and fresh air, summer TV was out getting…kinda good. Sure, it’s good in a super trashy, intellect-free sort of way–especially now that Mad Men won’t be airing until 2012–but really, isn’t throwing seriousness to the wind what summer is all about?