Daily Archives: September 22, 2011

14 posts

Project Runway, Season 9, “Rock Star” edition.

This is how I feel about Pepto Pink.

Editors Note: We ended up with two PR live blogs tonight, so we are combining them. Please thank MP and HV for their last minute collaboration.

Missing Piece: Welcome back, chickadees, to the show we all would have stopped watching ages ago if it wasn’t so much fun to mock with strangers on the internet.  So thank you, internet strangers!  For providing such a unique and hilarious viewing experience in the form of these liveblogs!

So, let’s catch up, shall we?  Last week was a spouse’s challenge, as in the menfolk come in, discuss their wives’ fashion preferences with the designers, and the designer attempt to make a garment that won’t cause instant vomiting on the part of the judges and will hopefully cover the womenfolk’s nether regions.

The client’s opinions don’t matter, however, because they’re all too damn wussy to tell the sewtestants how they really feel, so when they’re being draped in Pepto©-pink, or given the biggest wedgie ever because the sewtestant can neither design, nor sew, nor decide what accent they truly have today.  Also, boobs are a big frakking deal to these people.  HUGE.  Continue reading

Why I Can’t Take the Wall Street Protests Seriously

Hey, you know I’m as mad as the next gal about what’s going on with the current tax debate. Sure, yes, it floors me that some jerkoff multi-millionaire claims that in suffering a tax increase his net income would be diminished down to $400,000 after he feeds his family. That’s some crazy logic right there. No, seriously, that is something only an out of touch maniac would say. But is taking to Wall Street in some undefined protest, led by an anonymous internet movement, without focused demands or plan other to say “Thumbs down to Corporations!” really the answer frustrated, unemployed, mostly left-leaning Americans should take?

Seems like a long shot to me.

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College Students Save Those Posters! Hollywood is Remaking Scarface

In Hollywood’s efforts to endlessly mine the rapidly decaying corpse of the 1980’s, movie execs have found yet another morsel to sink their teeth into. Sheesh. What the hell will be left by the end of all this? Frigging Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins?! Perhaps. Fred Ward and Wilford Brimley were heroes to some! No. Anyway, so yeah, Scarface, it’s your turn. Continue reading

Microsoftening the Blue Screen of Death

Hidey ho there, computer adventurers! If you’ve been using personal computers for a while, you have probably laid eyes on a Macintosh or two. You may even own one. If you were an early adopter of the Mac, or have used pushed a Mac just a little too far past its breaking point, you have probably seen the “Sad Mac” icon pictured above right. Continue reading