GOP/Fox News Debate Liveblog: Take Me Home Tonight

Three debates in fifteen days. That’s faster than the World Series gets played some seasons. And, if you got that joke, then it’s likely that you’re a Florida Republican primary voter.

Tonight’s debate brings many more questions than it will grant answers, as most political debates do.

Seriously, do these guys just not get to see enough of each other? Do you think they secretly miss each other when they aren’t on a stage verbally trashing each other?  Aren’t a couple of these folks in Congress? Shouldn’t they be, you know, legislating?

Will Rick Perry be pelted with dentures until he admits that Social Security isn’t really a Ponzi scheme? Will Mitt Romney nervously fiddle with his gold cuff links while he reminds us how middle-class and just like the rest of us he is? Will someone, anyone, please pay attention to Jon Huntsman, even if for only a few minutes? Will Michelle Bachmann talk about how one of her foster kids got a flu shot and now has club feet?

The mind boggles at the possibilities. In the meantime, pour yourself a tall one, and let’s get ready to have so much fun that Rick Perry will have us executed. I’ll join y’all by 9PM or shortly there after to get things started.

8:58- Really? Nobody’s here yet? I’ve got the O’Reilly Factor on and nobody is here to comfort me? Damn.

8:59-Somebody asked me if there were rules for the drinking game tonight-so, here’s a few simple ones 1) Obviously, Reagan mentions merit at least a drink 2) If Bachmann brings up the HPV thing, finish whatever you’re having 3) If Santorum complains about how he’s being treated by the mean old Internet, pour your drink down the crack of your partner and finish it that way 4) If Rick Perry mentions Ponzi schemes, execute a Mexican and drink his/her blood.

9:01-I think if they’re going to introduce the participants in this matter, they should have an Applause-o-meter. Nothing technical, mind you, just a guy who’s arm moves across his body in a half circle.

9:02-Oh, Megyn KKKelly is there? Awesome! Prepare for Rick Perry to pull out the haystack and prop his bulge on it.

9:05-Rick Perry has no use for your ‘more extensive plans’. Folksy is what carries the day.

9:07-Poor Mittens can’t even get a working mic.  Mitt’s had a job? Didn’t he get that from his dad? Nepotism is the solution to all of our problems folks! Energy secure? Jimmy Carter alert!

9:08-That fucking G-chat sound keeps making me bump back to my Gmail window.

9:09-Is Michelle Bachmann wearing fleece? What the fuck? People should keep every dollar they earn? Good-bye roads.

9:11-Yates Wilburn? Nice fucking flannel. Got the night off from the Frosty Frog, mate?

9:11-And the union bashing begins. Nice answer anal discharge, I mean, Rick.

9:12-Fine Newt, you want folks to take training classes while on unemployment? I have no problem with that. Wait, that costs money, right? Let me guess, people need to pay for that out of their meager benefits.

9:13-Newt doesn’t want people to get money for doing nothing-He’s looking at you, Mittens.

9:14-Huntsman’s campaign must be in trouble, because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that tie before.

9:15-Herman Cain time! Bring me some soul! Flat taxes, flat-top haircuts, flat sodas with each pizza!

9:17-Restore the 10th Amendment?  Did it get repealed? How long have I been asleep?

9:20-Gary Johnson gets his first opportunity to answer. Welcome to the party. He’s run for two offices in his life-but it was the same both times?  Math is a mother-fucker. Consumption taxes? Because those aren’t regressive at all. Seriously, I want someone to dig up Ayn Rand’s body and light it on fire, and then stop the fire department from doing anything about it. Because, freedom.

9:21-Word clouds? some senior citizen just shot their television. Fuck, I need a drink.

9:25-People are actually applauding Rick Scott? They must have bussed these folks in from every corner of the state.

9:26-Good play Rick-remind the Floridians that they’re Social Security is safe because they’re all old. Nevermind that pulling state employees off of Social Security and putting them in a state retirement system doesn’t actually solve anything.

9:28-Seriously, is Mitt done talking, or do I have a G-chat message? Okay, Mitt, shut up, it was you.

9:30-We should just dispense with the other 7 candidates and let Romney and Perry have a ladder match. Clearly, that’s the Fox preference, and they’re picking the nominee, right?

9:31-What Mitt meant when he said ‘read my book’-‘Buy my book! These cufflinks don’t buy themselves.’

9:31-Did Mitt just take a cheapie at Clinton? Does he even know who he’s running against?

9:32-Christ, it took till now for the first Reagan reference? And it came from Huntsman?

9:34-If you were forced to eliminate one department, which would you choose? One of them has to say IRS, and just abolish taxes outright, correct?

9:35-The Chilean model? The one that caused this, indirectly?

9:36-Hotlanta in the hizzy! Gary Johnson plans on a federal budget that abolishes the Dept of Ed. Next, we’ll abolish what’s left of the literacy in this country.

9:37-Now kids are forced to go to school, Rick? Forced to learn? The horrors!

9:38-Blah, blah, blah, school choice, vouchers, for profit education factories? Yay!  BTW-Rick-Race to the Top fucking works, dick.

9:42-Am I crazy, or does Michelle Bachmann change the number of kids she’s had on a regular basis?  She’s going to lock the door to the Dept of Ed? The President gets ALL of the keys?  Can she open my safe deposit box?

9:58-Yeah! Cut the Department of Ed! School sucks!

10:02-Ah, the Israel question again. I’m not touching this one-again. Okay, at least we agree that Iran shouldn’t be a nuclear country, I’ll give them that.
10:06-Yay! The three AM question. Does the phone not ring at normal hours at the White House, ever?
10:09-Whoo-boy! You think Butch has done some hillbilly hand-fishing in his lifetime?
10:10-Hey, Newt went for the fear appeal there.
10:11-Did you know that Gary Johnson has plans to submit a balanced budget for FY 2013? He’s only mentioned it every time he’s gotten on the mic. At least he kind of answered the Cuba question.
10:12-Huntsman butts in to scold Santorum, AND ignores the G-chat sound, and Megyn Kelly, AND whomever told him that he shouldn’t wear the same tie 2 debates in a row.
10:14-In fairness, he did just make Santorum look like a pouty-faced douche.
10:15-Oh lawd, she’s going to butcher Jefferson here. Actually, she didn’t, she’s just making the case that ‘people of faith’ (ie-Christians) should be able to express that in the public sector.
10:16-Oh-GOP crowd, boo a gay soldier? Never change, you fucking bigots. Removing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell injects social policy? How exactly you fucking bigot?
10:17-‘If Rick Santorum were President’. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about that ever happening.
10:21-So, Herman Cain would have died under Obamacare? What proof does he have that the healthcare plan magically delays seeing a doctor when you need to?
10:23-Uncertainty in the marketplace because of the healthcare law? The law is already on the books, guys.
Catastrophic policies only, Jon? Yeah, that helps folks when they get chronic conditions. What is WRONG with these people?
10:27-Bachmann is becoming terribly one note on this HPV thing. Perry is going for the sympathy plea of the young woman who lobbied him on this issue. Well played, Rick. He’s still a dick, but for the average American, it’s good positioning on the issue.
10:31-Rick Perry is going to keep painting Romney as a flip-flopper? Is someone going to mention that Perry used to be a Democrat?
10:32-Romney ‘I know how jobs come, and how jobs go (especially how to make them go and get RICH, motherfuckers!)’
10:38-Oh, the WSJ endorses Huntsman’s tax plan? You think that came directly from Murdoch, or indirectly?
10:39-I’m going to have nightmares about that fucking 9-9-9 plan, especially because it doesn’t involve a pizza.
10:41-Is it just me, or has this evening been extremely heavy on ‘lower taxes’ rhetoric?
10:42-Oh for fuck’s sake-Newt-nobody gives two flying fucks about Reagan anymore.
10:43-Did Santorum just call Obama King George III? Like any of these fucking morons watching Fox know who that is.
10:44-Ooooh! A dog poop zinger from Gary Johnson. I’m glad he’s making the most of his appearance here, because I’m pretty sure he won’t be back.
10:48-Santorum’s such a pussy that he can’t even answer the question, until he picks Newt, who’s a philanderer who can answer the question even less well.
10:48-Good lord, these guys are all pussies, because they are all angling for the VP nomination in case they don’t win the nomination.
10:52-At least Soul Pizza will play along. In fairness, the future of our country is a game to everyone on this stage, Herman.
10:53-We’re ending early? What? These guys ran over on every fucking question and we’re still stopping short?
You know, you watch these guys glad-hand each other after the debates and act like old friends, and you get the feeling that they’re all kind of in on the joke against the rest of us. It’s too bad that the GOP seems serious about putting at least one of these jokers on the ballot against Obama, because they all sound like lunatics.
Sorry for the technical difficulties, and thanks for sticking around. We’ll do better next time, promise!

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