awful things

4 posts

College Students Save Those Posters! Hollywood is Remaking Scarface

In Hollywood’s efforts to endlessly mine the rapidly decaying corpse of the 1980’s, movie execs have found yet another morsel to sink their teeth into. Sheesh. What the hell will be left by the end of all this? Frigging Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins?! Perhaps. Fred Ward and Wilford Brimley were heroes to some! No. Anyway, so yeah, Scarface, it’s your turn. Continue reading

Life, Death and Violence: A Study of May 4

Oh my god. We really can’t believe that we’re standing up here, talking to all of you people. We’ve worked so hard and we’ve failed so much so that, we’re sorry for tearing up. We really are! It’s just, we’re so happy right now. We mean, obviously we have to thank the Academy for rewarding us with this great achievement that all of the other nominees deserved just as much. Go you! Go you! We’re all winners, even if we’re the ones with the statue. Oh! We’re just a little hot up here (fans selves). This is just so exciting! We came from a small town without the support of anyone but screw you all now! Screw you all! We made it and you’re watching us on television right now! We made it! We made it. (softer) We made it. And it’s all because we believed. We believed in our writers. We believed in our producers. We believed in the little people that make this all happen and, of course, we believed in God because He’s the one that gave us all this talent and He’s the one that’s opened up the doors so that we could share it, not only with everyone in this room, but with everyone in the world. (raises trophy above head) We did it!
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