Project Runway, Season 9, “Rock Star” edition.

This is how I feel about Pepto Pink.

Editors Note: We ended up with two PR live blogs tonight, so we are combining them. Please thank MP and HV for their last minute collaboration.

Missing Piece: Welcome back, chickadees, to the show we all would have stopped watching ages ago if it wasn’t so much fun to mock with strangers on the internet.  So thank you, internet strangers!  For providing such a unique and hilarious viewing experience in the form of these liveblogs!

So, let’s catch up, shall we?  Last week was a spouse’s challenge, as in the menfolk come in, discuss their wives’ fashion preferences with the designers, and the designer attempt to make a garment that won’t cause instant vomiting on the part of the judges and will hopefully cover the womenfolk’s nether regions.

The client’s opinions don’t matter, however, because they’re all too damn wussy to tell the sewtestants how they really feel, so when they’re being draped in Pepto©-pink, or given the biggest wedgie ever because the sewtestant can neither design, nor sew, nor decide what accent they truly have today.  Also, boobs are a big frakking deal to these people.  HUGE. 

In the rather unsatisfying end, however, Gay Ryan Reynolds gets a (FINE!) well-deserved win for his attractive, yet simple frock, and Bryce and his lip, er, condition are eliminated for the pink New York & Company look he bestowed upon his sweet client and Oliver, the anti-fat, anti-female, anti-breasts, cultural chameleon was safe, regardless of the fact that his outfit looked like a creatively short toga over some super ill-fitting wedgie pants.  Well, they have to eliminate someone this week, so I’m crossing my fingers it’s the little gnome from Ohio because he’s become extremely tiresome, I’m tired of talking about him, and he’ll probably end up “designing” for Miley Cyrus at Wal-Mart or something.  Have fun with that, Oliver.

But this week!  Oh, this week should be, well, this week will be another episode!  Adam Lambert is guest judge and the sewtestants get to come up with some sort of garb for a secret band.  My money’s on Maroon 5, and if it is, the TV is going off immediately… after the show.

Ok crassies – let’s do this thing.  See you in the comments!

Homo Viper: Hey, kids. It’s episode 9. They’re going to make garments for a band. Something about a crotch. And, yeah, sure. Join me after the jump. There’s a bizarre image of Heidi waiting for you there.

See? What a freak.

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