After making a serious flub and mangling American history for all to see, you would think that a person would keep quiet, and you know, maybe let the story just fade into the ether without further comment or display of utter, complete asinine commentary. But, well, that wouldn’t be the Sarah Palin that we all know and love. No sirree. The Sarah Palin rule of thumb is to stick to your story no matter how silly, and hope all the magical beans and dumbfuckery that exists on Wikipedia will carry you through the embarrassing irony of speaking wrongly about historic America while you have the Constitution emblazoned on the side of your bus of miraculous stupid.
Don’t you love when presidential hopefuls play coy and say, “Oh, no, I’m not technically running for public office…I’m just taking this huge bus and ramming it into every Northeast state for miles hoping you’ll see me and think, ‘Well, that’s nifty.'”
We already know that Sarah Palin is an Internet troll, but it sure does feel nice to have a journalist confirm it. According to today’s piece in The Atlantic, Palin “obsessed over her image” and “orchestrated a campaign to inundate newspapers with phony letters praising her.” A particularly odd obsession, considering that she actually got stuff done for Alaska.
Well it’s official. America’s official wingnut siren Glenn Beck will be ending his daily show on Fox News by the end of this year. It’s sad news to his loyal, but incoherent fan base. As you can imagine, they are devastated.
America’s lame stream media is of course rejoicing, as are George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, and the kids over at Media Matters. However some of us are going to kind of miss old Glenn and his nightly panic-spreading and gold shilling. Here are a few great Beck highlights for those of us who are going to miss having Glenn Beck to kick around.
Here’s Glenn laying out the truth about the Egyptian Revolution. Some of his finest work exposing the elites who plot against the decent folk who watched the show.
Here’s some of the two part series about the Holocaust surviving Nazi George Soros who is ruining the world by giving money to people who are trying to stem corruption in the developing world.
And let’s not forget this classic.
However the people who will probably miss their daily dose of Beck most are America’s comedy establishment.
And the comedian who has undoubtedly benefited the most from Beck’s two year parade of batshit crazy has been Jon Stewart. Beck not only provided night after night of easy jokes for Daily Show writers, but he was also the inspiration for the hugely successful Rally to Restore Sanity. Thursday night Stewart gave a magnificent send off to Beck that gave a nod to the inspiration that Glenn created for The Daily Show. Here is an excerpt.
Damn Glenn, I am going to miss a regular dose of your madness. To be honest, I think a lot of liberals will. Who will be the target of our outrage? Who’s name will we invoke as the ultimate broadcasting insult? The election season is going to be a lot less fun without his theories and his chalkboard. We can only hope Fox is in talks with Michelle Bachman.
Welcome to Crasstalk. Hope you are ready for an exciting week around here. Thanks to everyone who participated in the workshop last night. Please feel free to look through the thread for ideas or to add more of your own; I will check it throughout the day.
This weekend Crasstalkers competed in another battle to find the worst music the internet has to offer. Here are the winners of Country Music Wars:
There was a tie for runner up. The first contender was this wonderful selection from Daisy_Sage.
P_mouse tied her effort with this “classic.”
While both of these efforts were formidable, the championship went to Momof3wildkids for this winning(?) selection.
Last week, we had a battle battle for Light Rock supremacy here at Crasstalk. After the dust settled and the weak were vanquished, it was suggested that our next battle involve both kinds of music.
So here you go warriors. Let the battle of the cheesy and terrible begin. Here are a couple to get you started.
Let’s mix in some obligatory patriotism.
This is why I never tell people I grew up in Nebraska.
All right warriors, you know what to do. May God have mercy upon your soul.
In an interview with the BBC out yesterday, the former half-term Governor of Alaska, failed Vice Presidential Candidate and mother of the most embarrassing Dancing With The Stars contestant ever, remarked that the rumor that she did not know Africa was a continent (and not a country) was a fabrication by “jerk” staffers.
Next, she’ll be suing Tina Fey for impersonating her during the infamous Katie Couric interview.
Sarah, wouldn’t it be simpler to just read a book once in a while?