
228 posts

The Charge of the GOP Brigade

Later today, the United States Senate will vote on and presumably pass a plan to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling. The legislation will then go on to the House, where it is expected to pass as well. It will end up on President Obama’s desk, who will sign it.

Congratulations everybody, we’ve just barely avoided complete and total disaster.

Now it’s time for the fallout. Continue reading

Impeachment for Default? Louie Gohmert Is Half Right and Completely Wrong

On Sunday, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) spoke with a reporter for The Young Turks. The reporter asked “Would you allow us to default on our debt?” and Gohmert replied “No, that would be an impeachable offense by the President.”

Gohmert is half right. Unfortunately for him, it’s not the half he thinks is right. Continue reading

We Don’t Believe in Science: Republicans Block Science Laureate Positions

ScientistsConservative interest groups strike again against climate change awareness. This time, it was to help withdraw a bill to create an honorary Science Laureate position.

The House bill, HR 1891, would have created up to three unpaid laureate positions. These positions would be the scientific equivalent of the US Poet Laureate – to honor an accomplished scientist and to raise awareness on and encourage science education, particularly for girls and minorities. It originally had bipartisan support and was even co-sponsored by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), which is unusual given the current political climate. Continue reading

Alec Baldwin to Rage-Beat Your Eyeballs With New MSNBC Show

alec_baldwinWe’re thinking MSNBC took a look at their current roster and said, “You know, now that we’ve jettisoned Keith Olbermann to a Sports iceberg where God forbid anyone ever discuss anything about politics because A-Rod or whatever (i.e. SPORTS CHEATERS ALL THE TIME), we now have a dearth of square-jawed, silver-haired, rage-o-holics on our currently shout free news programming. What the hell is Alec Baldwin doing now? And a better question, are there any restraining orders involved?” Continue reading

S.E. Cupp Thinks Millennials Are Conservative and Is Wrong

An article from the New York Daily News’ S.E. Cupp, titled “The rise of Republican millennials”, came across my desk recently. I’ve always operated under the assumption that my generation was overwhelmingly liberal, and that conservative millennials were few and far between. While this may be true today in terms of party orientation, Ms. Cupp approached the question from a different angle: is the millennial generation actually conservative, in terms of personality rather than politics?

As a millennial, I decided to weigh in on Ms. Cupp’s hypothesis, and see if she’s right.

Spoiler Alert! She’s not. Continue reading

6 Things That Are Harder to Get Than a Gun

lunapic_136657095322986_2As we all know by now, last week the U.S. Senate, in spectacular, lily-livered fashion, caved to the NRA, voting down even the weakest, most watered down version of a gun control bill. After the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, which so many people claimed “changed everything”, nothing, in fact, has changed at all. Forget an assault weapons ban, forget bans on high capacity magazines; we can’t even ask gun buyers to submit to a simple background check at a gun show. And, since, according to Mother Jones, “around 40% of all legal gun sales involve private sellers and don’t require background checks” that’s a lot of buyers and a lot of guns. Continue reading