2 posts

Alec Baldwin to Rage-Beat Your Eyeballs With New MSNBC Show

alec_baldwinWe’re thinking MSNBC took a look at their current roster and said, “You know, now that we’ve jettisoned Keith Olbermann to a Sports iceberg where God forbid anyone ever discuss anything about politics because A-Rod or whatever (i.e. SPORTS CHEATERS ALL THE TIME), we now have a dearth of square-jawed, silver-haired, rage-o-holics on our currently shout free news programming. What the hell is Alec Baldwin doing now? And a better question, are there any restraining orders involved?” Continue reading

How Did Keith Olbermann Do?

Monday night was the much anticipated return of comically egotistical, liberal blowhard Keith Olbermann. After much ballyhoo earlier this year that left MSNBC’s shouting mouthpiece out of a job amid copious rumors about campaign donations and other Gestapo tactics from the prolific sportscaster — now that he’s returned to his original time slot, but with a new home sponsored by none other than internet and manbearpig founder, Al Gore — was his return everything you hoped for? Continue reading