
69 posts

Super Squats Challenge

This week, my Super Squats Challenge to myself was to conquer the jewel of Phoenix, Camelback Mountain. There are two hiking trails – one for the tourists called Cholla, and one for the triumphant called Echo Canyon. I figured that if I were going to do it, be triumphant about it. In truth, the Cholla hike requires more climbing near the summit that my fear of heights prevents me from even considering. Continue reading

Today in WTF: Booze, the Great Equalizer

Do you feel oppressed by affluent, white males? Are you struggling to fit in with your peers? If so, you may want to start binge drinking in order to boost your social status and satisfaction.

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son

A new study is out which examined levels of alcohol consumption and the relationship with social satisfaction in selective Northeastern liberal arts colleges. Some interesting results were found. Binge drinking is defined as 4 or more drinks for a female and 5 or more drinks for a male. Sounds like a typical Tuesday Friday night right? Continue reading

Pennsylvania Man Denied Heart Transplant Because He Has Autism

Paul Corby is a 23 year old man who has Left Ventricular Noncompaction which is a heart condition that makes the organ less able to pump blood throughout his body. His ejection fraction of his heart is reportedly 20%, which is far lower than it should be. His disease generally leads to heart failure and strokes. He has suffered from three mini-strokes to date. He is on nineteen medications to keep his disease at bay, but it won’t cure it.  Continue reading

Alert! The Cold Stone Creamery is Not for the Diet Conscious

The creator of the Cold Stone Creamery PB&C Shake is probably a monster. No, not a truly evil spectral force, but simply a diabolical, fat-creating, franchise chain gloating, garden variety capitalist gnome. How else to describe the decision to blend chocolate ice cream, milk, and peanut butter into a cup of sin and decadent blasphemy? At 2,010 calories (and with “153g of sugar,” screamed Gooch!), it’s a wonder how any of it just doesn’t clog your arteries within the first luscious sip. I imagine he’s somewhere sitting with tubs full of chocolate and PB in talks on how to expand it all into grocery store sales. You dastardly creamy saturated fat shilling hobgoblin!

Well, let’s be fair, this isn’t exactly a novel idea as informs us. Continue reading

Happy New Year! Time to Feel Shitty About Yourself!
Sir Mix-a-Lot says you’re awesome just the way you are.

Hello, Fatso!

The holidays are over. O-V-E-R. So what are you doing, lazing about the floor, watching that marathon of Hoarding? You know what you’re hoarding? Fat. fatfatfatfat. You are a worthless jerk who will make less money all your life and never find love because you shop at Lane Bryant or at the Big and Tall store.

The commercials are all here to tell you that.   Continue reading