
24 posts

Crassercise: 5 Songs for the Gym

Mornin’, kids. We’re back with another installment of songs to shake yo’ booty to. This time we’re going to be a little beat-focused for those of you who want to do some dancing around while you’re cleaning your house or want to add some extra pizzazz to your walking routine so pick some ya like and head on out! As always, my taste isn’t your taste so add your own in the comments! Continue reading

Crassercise: Five Songs For the Gym


Hola todos! Welcome to the inaugural edition of music suggestions for the gym. It’s a new year and a new fabulous you. Let’s celebrate by kicking out the tunes. Of course you are welcome to recommend the hot jamz you are listening to. In fact, I insist. I have my own taste in music and you have yours. I tend to go towards indie/hip hop/weird eclectic international stuff but I like a good song, so please share yours with us! Continue reading