Teh Interwebz

299 posts

Facebook’s New Organic Reach is Screwing Nonprofits, What are the Options for Digital Activists?

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Recently Facebook has radically altered the way that organization pages reach their followers. This is big trouble for nonprofits and activist groups that rely on the platform to reach supporters and organize action campaigns.

This isn’t news for folks who run activist or nonprofit pages, the changes have been rolling out for a while. However, in the last few weeks post reach has been reduced dramatically, creating a crisis for many organizations that have spent a lot of time, effort, and yes, money, building big communities on Facebook. What the hell is going on? Continue reading

Would Snack-Shaming Make You Stop Eating Snacks in Public?

Snack-Shaming. It’s now a thing. How would you feel if whenever you went to your company vending machine and made a purchase the vending machine, yes, the vending machine, launched a tweet from its own Twitter account to all your co-workers that said, “Todd just bought a Snickers from the vending machine.”

Would you be angry? Continue reading

Christmas Cats TV Is the Best Thing on the Internet

xmascatstvEight cats, one saucy grandma and one elf. That is the formula for internet magic. Christmas Cats TV is the magical cat nip that brings all the cat ladies to the yard.

Here’s how it works, you tweet them things @ChristmasCatsTV and then they do them.

The cats are also up for adoption, because why else would they be pimping them online? The cats all live at Howard Stern‘s favorite charity, North Shore Animal League.

Fafa loves you! Continue reading

Check if Your Adobe Account Was Hacked

AdobeHack1Recently Adobe was the target of a successful intrusion and data theft that resulted in the compromise of millions of accounts, encrypted credit cards, source code and who knows what else. The nice people at LastPass (the greatest password security product ever produced by humankind) have put together a great tool to tell you if your account was hacked and what you can do about it. Continue reading

Happy Stop Watching Me Day!

swm2Today thousands of Americans will gather in Washington, DC and many other cities across America to protest the mass surveillance by the United States government on millions of people who are not suspected of any crime and have broken no laws. As a fellow citizen of the internet, I am asking for your help. Continue reading