Today thousands of Americans will gather in Washington, DC and many other cities across America to protest the mass surveillance by the United States government on millions of people who are not suspected of any crime and have broken no laws. As a fellow citizen of the internet, I am asking for your help. Continue reading
Since the NSA’s extensive domestic and international monitoring was revealed by Edward Snowden via The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald in June 2013, much ink (or many pixels, as the case may be) has been spilled discussing whether or not the NSA has gone too far, whether the programs are unconstitutional, and a variety of other issues.
One view that I have not yet seen is that of someone on the front lines of information security, who deals with many of the threats that the NSA has been monitoring on a fairly regular basis.
Someone like me. Continue reading
Last night, a hacking group by the name of Lulzsecurity hacked a private company called Infragard. Infragard contracts with a bunch of government agencies like the FBI, the DoD, and multiple intelligence agencies. Supposedly the big thing that Infragard was working on was trying to take control of compromised Lybian computers, and set up a command and control interface for a botnet, for the DoD. Infragard had a lot of other contracts with government agencies, consulting on security practices.
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