
6 posts

Minimalism, Expatriation, and Getting Rid of Your Crap

As some of you know, I’m about to embark on a trip to become an expatriate. I turned twenty five a few days ago, and I accepted a job offer overseas a few days before that. I am a long time resident of a smallish college town in Texas, made famous by the college, football stadium, and its small string of bars just north of campus. I moved here at eighteen and have never really looked back. I worked on my degree and never really thought that I’d stay here forever. I ran the off campus BONFIRE for a couple years, and traveled all over the tri-state area speaking at former student clubs, and meeting people from all walks of life. I got a job just outside of town immediately after graduating, and just kind of never left.

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Introducing the MLK Day of Sale

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, some of us may ponder what his legacy to our country and by extension our world should be. How do we honor a man who is more than a figure of the civil rights movement, and an advocate for nonviolence, but a symbol of racial discourse in this country and around the world whose impact transcends the era in which he lived, and to that end, an observance of who we should strive to be in the way in which we respect, honor, and treat each other domestically and globally?

Should we honor him and his message within the sale pages of our local retailer? Continue reading

Ground Zero: A Report from Blackish Thursday

Generally speaking, I avoid crap like Black Friday or Blackish Thursday. The things I’m interested in are rarely on sale, and the ones that are are frequently just as cheap online. However, the last two years I’ve indulged on single items that were significantly cheaper. This year, I found a single item I was interested in.

Now, in previous years, my travels have taken me to Meijer (which, for those of you unfamiliar with it, is basically Not-Wal Mart) and Best Buy (late in the day, so it wasn’t insane). This year, because Batman: Arkham City decided to crap out on me, I decided to give Toys R Us a shot. I figured, “Hey, it’s 10:30pm on Thanksgiving. Only crazy people would be at Toys R Us at 10:30pm on Thanksgiving. I should be able to get in and out without much trouble.” Continue reading