Millennials have announced they’re sorry that, you know, they’ve ruined the world with their fixie gear bikes, cupcakes, Chipotle, and love of Sriracha sauce. Continue reading
Quick, how many types of millennials are there? If you answered seven then you’re right, or something, whatever, stop hassling me and let me play my video games. has put together this handy infographic for old people to explain what the seven types of millenials are and all the different ways they’re unemployed or live in their mom’s basement. Continue reading
There are two tests out there that can quantify the amount of millennial you possess. Both state that being millennial isn’t just about age — it’s more about how you see and interact with the world. So let’s give a looksee and determine whether or not you do things ironically, have a landline phone, or somehow believe the world revolves around cupcakes. We’re not kidding. Cupcakes are somehow now synonymous with the millennial generation. Who knew? Continue reading
You can never say that Lena Dunham’s millennial offering isn’t both risky and risqué. Sunday’s episode found us plunged into cocaine experimentation and what happens when there’s sex amongst the dolls. SPOILERS AHEAD! Continue reading
We don’t know what Participant Media thinks The CW and MTV are, but apparently they strongly disagree that they’re networks that interest millennials. We think this after hearing that Participant has plans to launch a network geared toward the millennial generation or “The Next Greatest Generation” (of viewers) as they’d like (everyone?!) to refer to them. Continue reading
Far be it from me to tell someone not to write until their heart’s content. I maintain that putting pen to paper, or filling up a blinking cursor with type, can be as cathartic as anything else experienced. However, that doesn’t make it very good, or worth $3.7 Million. And it begs the question if Lena Dunham hadn’t struck a sort of millennial gold with her HBO show, Girls, would the world know about her musings on ice pops, celibacy, and diaries? Continue reading
We actually thought the study would say Millennials are afraid of occupations with too many management tiers, or the collapse of Twitter during the Mayan apocalypse. But no, it’s beef. Beef is intimidating, and it mostly has to do with the Millennials lack of producing meals not involving Ramen noodles or the dregs left over in a Starbucks coffee cup. And this has beef manufacturers worried. Continue reading
Oh, geez. Adam. If you’re going to create a winning television villain, why not make him as unlikable as possible, but with enough agog incredulity and cringe-inducing hyper-realism that you just can’t look away. Adam is this punchable, unavoidable being and we love to hate him. Or maybe we just hate him. Continue reading
In the last couple of weeks or so all over the blogosphere we’ve been discussing millennials with regard to feminism, racism, elitism, nepotism, and all other manner of isms — but one thing has stuck out as of late, and that’s the notion of “ironic racism.” What does this even mean? Continue reading
Generation gaps, misunderstandings, and firm convictions about what the lives of young people should be about have emerged through the ages where shouts of “Get a haircut! Stop listening to all that rock & roll music! That damn rap is just noise! Why do you text so much?!” and the like have been the requisite commentary that’s followed most every generation. I’m sure at some point God asked Jesus what the deal was with sandals. Yet, as we move further forward, and technology offers us something new about every few years, just how far apart are we really? Continue reading