
35 posts

Early 2013 Video Game Preview

January is usually a slow month for video game releases, due to the glut that people usually purchase around the holidays. Come February and March, however, the release pace picks up significantly, and 2013 is no exception.

This year’s slate includes a number of Triple-A releases, more than a few of which are sure to be on any gamer’s radar. So, let’s take a look at some of the big names coming out in the first quarter of this year. Continue reading

A Ten Year Game of Civilization II

A post was made to Reddit a few days ago which detailed one commenter’s ten year game of Civilization II. This quickly went viral, as it depicted a fascinating dystopian future where war has been the norm for 1700 years, the polar ice caps have melted multiple times, the vast majority of the world is completely uninhabitable. Continue reading

Welcome to Nerdvana

You know how we’re often frustrated about the crud that can fill our days? Commuting, your boss, the economy, and various other inequities that rival each other for your daily attention? Well, Pete from Austin, TX, has found a level of escapism not often experienced in the modern world. He is a video game enthusiast, or more to the point, a video game legacist, if we can make up a word. Continue reading

Ground Zero: A Report from Blackish Thursday

Generally speaking, I avoid crap like Black Friday or Blackish Thursday. The things I’m interested in are rarely on sale, and the ones that are are frequently just as cheap online. However, the last two years I’ve indulged on single items that were significantly cheaper. This year, I found a single item I was interested in.

Now, in previous years, my travels have taken me to Meijer (which, for those of you unfamiliar with it, is basically Not-Wal Mart) and Best Buy (late in the day, so it wasn’t insane). This year, because Batman: Arkham City decided to crap out on me, I decided to give Toys R Us a shot. I figured, “Hey, it’s 10:30pm on Thanksgiving. Only crazy people would be at Toys R Us at 10:30pm on Thanksgiving. I should be able to get in and out without much trouble.” Continue reading

Video Game Review and Commentary: RAGE, and Why PC Gaming Is Important

The first game in history whose title reflects the feelings of it's players. I also would have accepted "Gigantic Disappointment" or "Hey John Carmack, if you and id are going to fuck PC Gamers, at least take us out to dinner first. We like to be wined and dined before we get fucked."

The first “video game” I can remember playing is Midnight Rescue! by The Learning Company. I was 5 years old, and we had just gotten our first computer. The year was 1989.

The first real video game I remember playing was Doom 2, released by id Software in 1994. The second was Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, released by Blizzard Entertainment in 1995.

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Nerd News Roundup: The Mulligan

Greetings, Programs. Wait, let me start again. Hoi, Chummer! No, that’s not right. Do over. Hellllooooo, Nurse! I give up. This week, there’s been a lot of talk about second chances. Sony wasn’t exactly pleased with how you handled their security breach, Universal Pictures wants to pretend The Wolfman never existed and Halo: Combat Evolved gives Master Chief’s armor a fresh coat of paint. All this and Gary gets what’s coming to him on this week’s Nerd News Roundup.

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