During a discussion about a potential tax increase in Lubbock County, Texas, Judge Tom Head explained that such an increase was necessary to plan for various emergency contingencies. Among those possible scenarios, Judge Head suggested the county needed to prepare for reelection of President Obama. He explains, “He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN, and what is going to happen when that happens?” After you clean the coffee from your screen, feel free to read that last sentence again. The President, the United Nations and presumably, the New World Order are coming for the good citizens of Lubbock County and one man aims to stop it, Lexington/Concord style. Continue reading
When most people think of Subaru, the word that most often comes to mind right after “WRX” and just before “ugly” or “granola” is “All-Wheel Drive”. In fact, since 1996, all Subaru vehicles sold in the U.S. have come standard with the Symmetric All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system. That all changes with the introduction of the 2013 Subaru BRZ, a rear-wheel drive (RWD) sport coupe created in collaboration with Toyota. Continue reading
The Avenger Controller was originally developed as an add-on to a standard Xbox or Playstation controller. It allows those with disabilities to play the games they love with minimal hand movements. Its inventor, David Kotkin was inspired by a student in his class that experienced difficulty playing due to skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, a hereditary condition which makes skin sensitive, blister easily, and sometimes affects hand size. The Avenger was rightly lauded as opening up gaming to a market that is often overlooked. Additionally, the general public, currently in love with multiplayer games, and a growing interest in competitive gaming brought the device to the general public and sales took off. Continue reading
I wouldn’t consider myself a chauvinist but I admit that I was a tad disappointed when I first learned my wife and I were going to have a girl. Honestly, the prospect frightened me a little. I imagined a room decorated in pink, swathed in rainbows and flowers. Everything would be soft and perhaps frilly with bits of lace.
Even more worrying to my male brain was the prospect that I wouldn’t be able to do the things I’d hoped to do with a son. Games of catch would be replaced with tea parties, Hot Wheels with baby dolls and she’d rather watch My Little Pony over Transformers. Continue reading
Well hello there, my fellow nerds! School is back in session. Everybody has on the latest fashions, torrented the required textbooks and finally swapped out that cliche Animal House poster with a Georgia O’Keefe. But some of you are different. You’re gonna sit in the back of the class, maybe wedgie everyone in the math club or maybe your taking part in one of this week’s stories. This week, the Fightin’ Badgers flunk Firefly, an indie game company stuffs your console in the locker and the defenders of comicdom steal the hallpass.
Now please report to the auditorium for some good ole fashioned tank-rippin’ in this week’s Nerd News Roundup! Continue reading
Greetings, Programs. Wait, let me start again. Hoi, Chummer! No, that’s not right. Do over. Hellllooooo, Nurse! I give up. This week, there’s been a lot of talk about second chances. Sony wasn’t exactly pleased with how you handled their security breach, Universal Pictures wants to pretend The Wolfman never existed and Halo: Combat Evolved gives Master Chief’s armor a fresh coat of paint. All this and Gary gets what’s coming to him on this week’s Nerd News Roundup.
Greetings. Aaye! QaQ Daq legh SoH! 0110100001101001! This week, we are going to roll up the black sleeves of our arcane robes, open a copy of Necromancy for Dummies and take a look at stories involving the undead, the soon to be dead those lucky few who have been brought back from Death’s cold grasp. Listen, and you’ll hear the Assassin’s song of Death. It’s the kind of music one would hear in a movie about a zombie falling for a girl. It’s certainly better than Archie and Jughead will be subjected to, that poor soul. We’ll take a look at these tales and learn why Gary is a horrible, horrible person who deserves swift kick in the groin in this NERD NEWS ROUNDUP!
Hey Everyone! It’s time to pull on that “vintage” Green Lantern, grab your pull lists, select your favorite deck and head on down to our little shop of wonders. Right now we’ve got a special on a few choice selections. Right here we’ve got a potential new series based on a romantic adventure from the 80’s. Over here, we’ve got a completely unnecessary remake of a Spanish horror story. And this right here happens to be a weird crossover of Halo and Top Gear. Didn’t see that one coming did you? Well, take your time and let me know if you need anything. We’ve got all this and a super-powered girl fight at this week’s Nerd News Roundup! Continue reading
Hello, faithful friends. I know last week was rough without your fix, but daddy is back with more of the good stuff. Unfortunately, all is not well in the kingdom of Nerds. The House of Mouse has taken the axe to the House of Ideas. Brand new shiny shows have been shuttered before they were even unlocked. Even iconic underpants are collecting unemployment these days. On the flip side, video game goliaths are expanding their market and superheroes find new ways to produce new jobs. You’ll find this and cake in this week’s Nerd News Roundup! Continue reading
Hola! Today our news is going to cover boys; gross, nasty and potentially Cootie-infected boys. Sure, some of us clean up well and you girls might even LIKE a few of us but underneath it all, there lies a fart factory with cheeto-dusted fingers who has considered Febreeze a perfectly reasonable alternative to doing laundry. Today we honor those brave guardians of gross, those knights of nasty and those sentinels of sick. There are boys covered in (or becoming) mud. We’ve got boys that manage to turn everything into one huge mess after another. We even have one boy so eager to play a video game that he wanted to be born right on the convention floor. All this and we introduce DC Comics’ newest intern in this week’s NERD. NEWS. ROUNDUP. Continue reading