
490 posts

A Liberal’s “Adventure in Odyssey” Part 1

Adventures in Odyssey” is a production of Focus on the Family, with all the Real True Christian implications that that carries. Though from my standpoint, it’s pretty engaging and well done, except that it often brings you right back to its main point about how you are a sinner and need to accept Jesus. So, before we begin talking about the show itself, let’s start with a basic introduction to the people of Odyssey.

When I sat down to write this, I forgot how much there is to this radio show. That’s understandable, since this show has been airing for about 30 years, but that also means that one post isn’t going to be enough. Continue reading

Catcall Me? Please Don’t!

catcall_me_pleasePoor Doree Lewak of the New York Post just wants to “be that objectified sex thing for [the catcalling men of NYC]” because “hard hats need something to look at on their break.” Maybe they should try looking at the newspaper. “It’s as primal as it gets, ladies!” Not as primal as, say, bashing you in the head with a club, dragging you into a secluded area and raping you, but the sentiment is the same. A man who yells out positive and/or negative comments at a passing female stranger is operating under the same idea; the belief that women’s bodies don’t belong to them, but to the public, and as a part of public property, men have the right to judge them as worthy or unworthy bodies. Continue reading

E-Cigarette Etiquette and Regulation – How Far Should It Go?

I have recently started the process of trying to quit smoking. My doctor has recommended that using the e- cigarette may be an effective way to wean myself off of my 22 year nicotine addiction and cigarette habit. So far, so good. However, I feel a bit awkward about e -cigarette etiquette and where the line of regulation should be drawn. Apparently, several states and cities in the country are starting to feel the same way. Continue reading

The Death of Fred Phelps

I remember the first time I heard of Fred Phelps and his “church.” It was around the time of Matthew Shepard. The Westboro Baptist Church protested his funeral and wrote lots of horrid stuff about him. I was shocked that anyone could display such violently cruel behavior. Years later, they’ve managed to repeat the behavior so often that it’s lost its shock value somewhat, but it’s still inexcusable. Continue reading

How Did the US and Canada End Up So Different?

Canada and the United States are in many respects two very similar countries. Founded as white colonial settler societies, both are now developed capitalist democracies, with functioning multi-party (more or less) politics. In some very important ways, though, Canada and the US are very different countries. The United States has developed a national attitude of rugged individualism, premised on distrust of government and the notion that everyone can succeed and climb through society if they work hard enough. Canada is much more communitarian, turning more to society as a whole, with an attitude of trust in, and deference to, government. Why is this? What made our two countries so similar yet so different?

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A Few Reflections on the Passing of Nelson Mandela

As you have probably already heard Nelson Mandela has passed away at the age of 95. I am not going to try and give you a full biography of his amazing life and career, I will leave that to the proper biographers. Instead, I will just give you a few thoughts from a person who is an ordinary, sometimes activist who is blessed enough to be surrounded by good people who want to make the world a better place. Continue reading