The Walking Dead is currently living up to be just what we wanted from a television show that began strong as an almost segmented feature film. Nevermind that little deviation we took last season onto the farm-of-existential delirium, this season is all about the visceral nature of survival and the ability to make decisions for the greater good, and for the greater gore. Continue reading
Daily Archives: November 5, 2012
It was often hard to remember, but I was one of the lucky ones. Very lucky ones, in fact.
My sole issue was that I didn’t have power. While I did have a generator for keeping my fridge cold and sump pumps working, it did not connect to my hardwired furnace. So the house was bone chillingly cold. So cold that despite having power and heat for over 18 hours now, I cannot shake the shiver in my bones. Steaming baths, hot showers and a trip to my health club’s sauna have not helped. Still, I know how lucky I am. Continue reading
Today’s topic: the Secession of the 1%, and how Democracies die. Continue reading
There is always a fear and conspiracy theory that absentee ballots are not counted or are ignored. Many states provide websites to track your vote by mail ballot to verify that the ballot was received and counted. The states listed without links do not provide this service. Continue reading
I am fascinated by this creature known as the undecided voter, particularly with respect to the 2012 presidential election. Because I really don’t understand how anyone could possibly be on the fence in choosing between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The media rather hilariously uses the euphemism “low-information voters” to describe this group. But what does this loaded euphemism mean?
Wikipedia tells us the following about such voters: “they vote, but are generally poorly informed about politics. They are less likely to vote, tend to be more moderate than high-information voters,” and “look for candidates whom they find “personally appealing.” They “tend to be swing voters” and “rely on cues about the candidates that are often of limited usefulness, and in the absence of real information make their decision based upon stereotypical beliefs about what traits such as physical attractiveness, race and gender can tell them about a candidate’s suitability for office.” Well, then! I’m guessing this was the crowd that preferred Bush 43 to Kerry because he’s the kind of guy you’d want to have a beer with. A fine way to select a president. Continue reading
Since we here in the good ol’ USA vote on the first Tuesday in November, a workday for most people, this leads to a question about what your rights are when it comes to getting the necessary time off to vote. This issue has been left to the States to answer, which means there isn’t one nationwide law to answer the question. So, do you get time off to vote and is it compensated in your state? Continue reading
The term “bucket list” is as tired and cliche as game changer, hand crafted, and pivot (the political strategy). But we all have a short or long list of places we want to go, things we’d like to do and sites we’d like to see.
What’s on your list, and why?
Here are mine, in no particular order:
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By LaZiguezon and TS
Americans, tomorrow’s election results may very well be the moment you decide to move to Canadaland permanently. Of course, we will probably reject your application since “unilingual underemployed and heavily indebted bleeding heart Liberal” seems to secure very little leverage on our points-based immigration application. Nonetheless, if a few of you are lucky enough to garner TS’s or my love, you may have a stronger chance. So sit back and get to know an “off the beaten path” version of your new city, Toronto. Continue reading
It has been a long election season my friends, and Burning River and I are here to hold you through the last horrifying hours. Ornery Babe has also joined us this week to give us her insight on the disaster that is American politics. Continue reading
Over the past weeks I have been watching CNN for my election coverage. They don’t blatantly ignore facts like Fox News and they aren’t blatantly (even though they are) in the tank for Obama like MSNBC. Once Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee, they began to analyze the various presidential polls.
If you were from another planet and saw the coverage on CNN, you would think the United States was controlled by a handful of states: Virginia, Nevada, New Hampshire, Florida, and Ohio. These are the states that will decide the election. Eventually, CNN managed to whittle this list down to Ohio. I kept hearing that whoever wins Ohio will be President. I thought it was funny when, during one of the debates, CNN had a room full of undecided voters from Ohio and said “These are the people who will decide the election.” I kept waiting for them to find a single undecided voter in Cleveland and ask him/her how it felt to know they were responsible for picking the next President. Continue reading