The madness has subsided. We’re safe and comfortable, which I realize is more than I can say for a lot of people in New Jersey, Queens, and elsewhere. We were far from the worst of it, I know. But I figured I might as well set everything down now before it washes away like so many trees and debris.
I would hope that those of my friends who thought it was ‘all a bunch of hype, just like Irene’ are now sufficiently chastened. But I don’t think even those of us who took it seriously expected something on this scale. As of Monday evening I was envisioning something like the following: staying in while drinking wine and eating all the snacks we’d stocked up on and playing Settlers of Catan by candlelight until the power went back on in a day or so, at which point we’d switch to watching movies until the subways came back in another day or so and I no longer had an excuse to stay home from work. Continue reading →