Daily Archives: September 10, 2012

9 posts

When the Loons in Your Party Show Up at Campaign Events

Oh, Mitt. What would you do if you didn’t have staunch supporters like Clint Eastwood, chair-grousing, grizzled old looney bear, and Pat Robertson, crazy, evil, soul-destroying chaos wizard, to make your campaign fun! and exciting!? Well, we just don’t know. Maybe instead you could hitch your campaign to a crap wagon and throw it off a cliff into a ditch of empirically plummeting poll numbers? Yes, that’s the ticket. Continue reading

Humira® is Basically the Worst Prescription Drug Ever

humira drug side effects

The drug-maker Abbot Laboratories is constantly running commercials for a drug called Humira, which is supposed to treat “moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis” as well as psoriasis. The other day one of their spots came on and I noticed that holy shit the list of side effects is terrifyingContinue reading

An Unsuccessful Attempt at Crossing the Strait of Magellan

The 8 1/2 hours of sleep on a horizontal hotel mattress was pure bliss. You see, I just spent the last four days riding one bus after another for 5,000 kilometers– down the entire length of Chile. I planned on waking up early so that I could walk around the town of Punta Arenas and take pictures of cars, but I am still tired and it’s windy outside.

On my hotel room TV, CNN is doing a story about how Unilever is profiting in Kenya by selling consumer goods like soap in single servings. This reminds me of my friend’s parents’ liquor store in Los Angeles, which sells individual cigarettes to the poor because they don’t have the money to buy an entire pack.

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