Daily Archives: August 31, 2012

7 posts

Photo Phonetic Phriday: Gangnam Style

We here at Crasstalk and sure, the rest of the world, have been fixated on this new song. You may have heard it. It’s called Gangnam Style. It’s pretty much exploded out of South Korea and into every person in the world’s homes. The theme for this Friday seems perfect then, let’s see your Gangnam Style! Dance, sing, take your pick. Continue reading

What Republicans Should Learn From the Clint Eastwood Experiment

Well, last night at the RNC convention there was a barely contained feeling of excitement and anticipation as Mitt Romney was set to take the stage. Could he do it? And by it, we mean, make himself likeable, human, and alluring enough that not only the base could finally throw all their support behind the former governor and forever Olympics cheerleader, but for swing voters and independents to see the man behind his monotone words and connect with him on a real level? Continue reading

How to Hunt a Wild Conservative

Proper way to bait a wild conservative into a debate…

1. Approach cautiously, wild conservatives are a skittish lot. Hold out your hand a tell a small lie like “I never thought of it that way” or “Wow you are making a really good point”

2. Build up a small rapport with him over something. This is very easy to do as they are always looking for allies to help them from the liberal hordes. Tell him you think Reagan had great hair, or that Rick Santorum is your hero. Continue reading

Welcome to Tampa: “Shoeless Dick” Santorum Speaks

Ricardo “Shoeless Dick” Santorum spoke at the GOP convention on Tuesday. He spent Monday night in the hobo camp near the convention center, drinking stolen Cigar City Jai-Lai Pale Ale and eating Cuban sandwiches and black beans salvaged from the dumpster behind the Columbia Restaurant. The one-time senator is very fond of beans. “Goddamn,” he told his fellow hobos. “Those are some damn good beans.” Continue reading